Contacts Matching
Contacts Matching
- How contacts are matched? (step by step description of what is happening from the moment someone do the matching action to when we have a match). How the matching tables work once the match has been made (more detail than just "the system knows when a user is in both platforms"). How / where this matching data is stored?
- When a user lands on a page which has a DMP pixel that user gets assigned a uuid from dmp.
- The DMP pixels have userSync functions which finds the CEP user id on the page and adds it into the uuid_lookups table in DMP to create a match for DMP uuid and CEP user id for that platform.
- During event matching on DMP side the following takes place:
- After the pixel fires the events due to user actions, events are saved in the DMP db in go_customer_raw / go_customer_orc table.
- In real time the events are sent to audience computation service for processing.
- In case there are some NOT conditions then service waits till the defined amount of time (by default 24 hours) to match the NOT conditions.
- On finding all the matching events DMP sends that user to be added to the integrated external platform. DMP looks up the external user id for this user in uuid_lookups table within DMP. Note: For CEP integration the external user id in DMP is the same as the ID of the contact in CEP.
- A request is sent from DMP to CEP to add this user into the group or the whiteboard audience depending upon which platform the DMP audience is integrated to. The CEP endpoint membership/subscribe is called to add user to the group. The CEP endpoint /dmp_event is called to send the event of adding user to the whiteboard audience.
2. What IDs are used to create this match?
- On DMP side uuid is used to collect the events
- The uuid has an association to the external platform's user id which is stored in the uuid_lookups table.
- For eg: In case of CEP the external user id stored in DMP lookup table is same as the CEP contact ID.
3. Is the CEP matching ID the same as the user in the platform or different? If different then why?
- The matching user ID sent to the CEP platform is same as the contact ID saved in CEP.
- DMP identities this user with uuid.
- The reason DMP has its own user ID (uuid) to identify the user is that DMP can be configured to integrate with any number of platform at any time and each platform will have its own ID for that user. So DMP saves an association of DMP uuid with the integrated platforms' user ID in the lookup table.
4. What additional actions need to be done on the new setup for matching to work:
- In case of integration with CEP, the Pixel should have the corresponding Mapp-Email added in the “Integrations” input box.
- To allow the events like CEP email link click, read message online and personalization be used by DMP following features need to be enabled in CEP
- dmp_matching_link_click
- dmp_matching_read_message_online
- dmp_personalization
- dmp_personalization_continue_on_error
- To make an app switch from cep to dmp the following feature should be enabled:
- All of these features can be requested from the qa pages https://qa.ecircle.de/
- CEP user should have proper permissions to be able to use all the features.