

The DMP has the off-the-shelf capability to easily collect data using the various DMP pixels. Apart from this it is possible to integrate almost any external data source by means of importing data and unify it with the data collected via the DMP pixels. The process below outlines how to integrate an external data source with the Mapp DMP.

Contents of the Table

Use Cases

Below a couple of use cases for an integration between an external data source and our DMP.

  • Profile Completion: Match the 'unknown' cookie profiles with external attributes from your CRM data source to let them become 'known' users.
  • Custom Audiences: Push Custom Audiences to the integrated execution platform based on a combination of online and offline data.


There are basically two methods to integrate with an external data source:

  1. DMP Feature: This feature is part of the standard DMP offering and is incorporated into the user interface (Data Collection).
  2. Custom Integration: This involves a customized setup of an integration for which the process can be found further down in this section.


The process of setting up a new integration (i.e. connection) with an external data source consists of three main steps:


Since each external data source can be different (of location and structure) it is important to do a proper assessment. Moreover, the use cases on how to 'activate' external data attributes and combine them with online data can differ so there is no standard implementation. Therefore, it is important to get a clear understanding on both the technical and operational implications in order to check its feasability and scope the workload for development accordingly. By means of a predefined set of questions the assessment can be streamlined.

Import Data

Apart from the feature as present in the user interface the DMP also supports import the following import methodologies.

On-Site Pixel ConfigurationThis involves client side and server side and happens in real-timeSelf Serve
Batch Import FilesThis involves Mapp to import files stored on a directory such as Amazon S3, Google Storage, SCP, etc.Custom
Queue ConnectionThis involves Mapp to import data from a cluster through a messeging system like Kafka, SQS, SonicMQ, etc.Custom
Custom API IntegrationThis involves Mapp to import data from an API based external or internal (in-house) system.Custom
Unify Data

In order to unify data between the external data source and the (cookie) data collected via DMP pixels a common identifier is required. This common identifier that enables us to match the 'unknown' with the 'knowns' can either be one of the following attributes:

  • Personally Identifiable Information: This involves either an email address, hash of an email address or any other unique bit of information that is suitable.
  • Foreign Key: This involves a field that uniquely identifies a customer such as a "client_id" or "reference_id" which can also be captured by our On-Site Pixel.
  • Global Identfier: This involves a universal ID that is identical across all platforms such as a "mobile_device_id" or the IP address.


In order to do a proper assessment the client need to provide information and details to covers the questions below:


  1. Use Case: What is the use case (e.g. creating audiences, reporting, data exports)?
  2. Example: Can you provide a concrete example based on the use case?
  3. Assistence: Who is in the lead from your end to assist in the integration process?

Import Data:

  1. Origin: Where does the external data originates from?
  2. Location: Where is the external data source stored?

  3. Frequency: What would be the interval of data imports (e.g. real-time, hourly, daily, weekly)?
  4. Recency: What would be the scope of the import (e.g. previous day, 1 week)?
  5. Format: What is the format of the data (e.g. key/value)?
  6. Structure: What data attributes need to be imported?
  7. Sample: Can you provide a data sample?

Unify Data:

  1. Common Identifer 1: Where is the common identifier located in the external data source?
  2. Common Identifier 2: How can the DMP collect the common identifier through the pixel?
    1. Example 1: a synchronization endpoint is available and the call can be initated by the DMP pixel.
    2. Example 2: it can be captured from the webpage with either a On-Site pixel module or by means of custom JavaScript.

Based on the answers the appropriate methodhology can be judged and next steps can be determined.


  • Don't have manual steps in the process as described above; it should be fully automated.
  • Please note that we don't support to update exising records.
  • Do only import the relevant attributes.


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