General FAQ

General FAQ

Table of Contents


FunctionalityWhy do I need a Mapp Acquire?The marketing and advertising landscape is changing quickly. Technology and data have become important elements to spend your marketing budget in a smart way. The Mapp Acquire brings data from all channels (website, app, CRM, off-line) together to build relevant target audiences. These audiences can then be shared with the marketing and advertising (execution) platforms the client is using.
FunctionalityHow can user data that is collected with a variety of Mapp Acquirepixels be segmented within your Mapp Acquire?The data collected with on-site Mapp Acquire pixels can be easily segmented by our tag management functionality integrated within our DMP. Based on several rules (eg. URL contains, Time on Page, Javascript Expression, etc.) you can choose to fire an additional segment or conversion pixel. By leveraging the piggyback possibilities on the segment and/or conversion level you could even directly initiate an external pixel fire for users whose behaviour applies to the configured rules and populate an external segment on the flight. Besides the tag management functionality you could apply more-advanced segmentation by means of the Custom Audience builder in which all data events (1st party, 2nd party, and 3rd party) can be combined.
GlossaryWhat is a DMP?According to Forrester Research a Data Management Platform (DMP) is “a unified technology platform that intakes disparate first-, second-, and third-party data sets, provides normalization and segmentation on that data, and allows a user to push the resulting segmentation into live interactive channel environments.
GlossaryWhat is the Mapp Acquire?

The Mapp Acquire lets you collect and analyze data about your customers (e.g. behavioral, geographic, and psychographic data) from every digital touch point in one platform and lets you operationalize that data across a wide range of media execution channels. The resulting integrated picture of all your data sources, from both your own first-party data and third-party sources, and lets you target your audience with a greater degree of accuracy

MaintenanceDo you schedule downtime for maintenance?No, we not schedule downtime for maintenance.
MaintenanceDo you engage an external independent company to perform Penetration Tests (PEN test) on your architecture?Yes, the last test dated from less than 6 months ago and was performed by Sakurity.
MobileWhat is a Device ID?The Device ID is specific for a mobile device and can be considered as a global identifier across platforms. Please note that it won't be collected by default and needs an SDK or some complex customization on the regular on-site pixel in order to do so.
Value propositionWhat is Mapp Acquire value proposition? What stands you apart from your competitors? What aspects or features of the platform are unique / better compared to other products in the market?The Mapp Acquire helps you better understand your customers and drive marketing effectiveness. You can collect and unify data from your website, mobile apps, CRM, advertising platforms and marketing systems in one place. We take care of the technology so you can create and target relevant audiences across display, mobile, video and offline channels. Our differentiators: Open API, 40+ Integrations, Advanced Lookalike Modelling, Big Focus on privacy legislations, Great service, Intuitive UI (complexity in the backend), Real-time audience upload.


AccountWhere can I change/set my Personal Details?Personal details can be changed by clicking on ‘Account’ as part of the 'Settings' menu. You’ll be given the option to change your First Name, Last Name and Email Address. You can also reset your password here.
Data UsageWhere can I keep track of the data usage on a monthly basis?You can see the number of total data events as well as a breakdown by event type in the 'Data Usage' section as part of the 'Settings' menu. Please note that this overview doesn't take into account the number of active Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences.
GeneralWhere can I change my Homepage or Timezone?You can set your timezone and homepage within the ‘Preferences’ page as part of the 'Settings' menu.
Integration SettingsHow do you deal with (new) integrations on the data activation side?Dependent on an assessment the new integration will be put on our roadmap in consultation with the client and external partner. An integration normally requires two main tasks from a technical perspective: 1) setup the user syncing process, and 2) setup a connection with the platform to create segments (metadata) and upload users, preferably in real-time. In order to set up an integration we have a guideline in place which can be consulted to gather all the required information from your partner.
Integration SettingsCan you provide a list of execution platforms which are currently integrated with the Mapp DMP?The platforms that are currently integrated as an execution platform (i.e. push audience to target users) are AppNexus, Amazon DSP, Google Ads. Note that we also have a lot of partner integrations on the data collection side (CRM, 3rd Party data providers). Moreover, we provide clear guidelines that can be send to partners regarding the information and documentation we need in order to integrate with them.
User GroupsFor what purposes can user groups be created?User Groups can be created for several purposes. One of them is to whitelabel the Mapp Acquire and use the user group functionality to create sub-accounts with restricted access to certain features and isolated access to the data. Another common use case is to create User Groups for handling DMP rights within the organization where only 'operational' people can actually create new DMP pixels or Custom Audiences for instance.
User ManagementHow many users can be created?The default user limit is currently set at 20 per DMP account but this can be easily increased once agreed upon.
User ManagementWhat is the difference between a regular user and an admin user?As an admin user you can create and approve new user accounts or remove them. In addition, admin users will have access to the 'User Groups' section in case this has been enabled for the relevant DMP account.
User Management

what user roles can be defined?

Default roles are User Manager, Regular User, and a Restricted User (through User Groups). New users can be created by user managers and be granted permissions to any level: read/write access rights, access to certain elements of platform (e.g. Data Collection, Custom Audiences, Analytics) and/or access to data from a specific set of pixels.

Mapp Acquire Integrations

AdvertisingHow can data from Digital Media Activities (e.g. via Goolge Ads) being pulled into the Mapp Acquire?The default method for collecting digital media activities consists of a pixel-based integration, meaning that you need to add our pixel to the ad unit as an 3rd party impression and/or click tracker in the execution platform. These pixels can be exported directly from within the DMP interface and are different per platform. Nevertheless, we could also set up S2S or API integrations with execution platforms like ad-servers in order to import the accurate data from digital media acitivities. In case the latter would involve a new partner this would follow the procedure of a custom integration. Please note that it normally depends on the actual use-case of what type of integration is the most suitable one in a given situation. Although the pixel-based integration does involve industry accepted discrepancies, it allow you to identify a user for audience building purposes whether the other types of integrations are normally being used for reporting purposes only.
APIHow can the Mapp Acquire features be integrated into our workflow?The open API of the Mapp DMP enables you to integrate specific parts or complete components into any workflow. Some examples of the API capabilities: generate new Mapp Acquire pixels, create Custom Audiences, send custom data, and export raw data events.
APIIs there a limit to the number of records that can be send through an API call?No, there's no limit on the number of rows. We just need to make sure that the API request(s) can be handled by our system but multiple servers can be used eventually (they are DNS balanced).
CRMHow can a CRM database or any other 1st Party Data Source be combined with data collected trough the Mapp Acquire pixels?

In order to unify data between the 1st party data source and the data collected through the Mapp pixel(s), or in other words 'matching the knowns with the unknowns', a common identifier is required which can either be one the following:

  1. Personally Identifiable Information (PII): this involves either an email address, a full name or any other unique bit of information that is suitable.
  2. Foreign Key: this involves a field that uniquely identifies a customer such like a client_id or reference_id.
  3. Global Identifiers: this involves a universal ID that is identical across all platforms such as a mobile device ID.

Important: Please note that the common identifier must be present in all datasources that needs to be unified. Moreover, we provide clear documentation on the requirements and the process of importing CRM data in case this is part of the implementation.

CRMIn terms of (technical) requirements, what information does Mapp need in order to integrate with a first party data source like a CRM-system?Please consider this document as a guideline on what input is required. By answering the questions as stated in the RFI, Mapp has all the information they need to assess its feasibility and discuss next steps.
CustomizationCan the on-site pixel capture any custom variables and store it in the DMP for audience building purposes?Yes. The on-site pixel can be customised to capture additional data points and we have various parameters available to accept any custom data that is sent to it in a JSON format. There are two ways to send us the data, by using a GET request and also by using POST request. Mapp also offers a multitude of other data transfer methods, including Amazon S3 bucket (batch file download) and Apache Kafka connector (streaming data).
Data TransferWhat data transfer methods are supported by the Mapp DMP?

The Mapp DMP supports many type of data transfer integrations which includes but are not limited to:

  1. On-site Pixel Customization: this involves client side and server side and happens in real-time.
  2. Plug-in Connectors: this involves existing integrations being set up in a scalable way and available off-the-shelf.
  3. Batch Import: this involves us importing files stored on a directory such as Amazon S3, Google Storage, SCP, etc.
  4. Queue Connection: this involves us importing data from a cluster through a messaging system like Kafka, SQS, SonicMQ, etc.
  5. Custom Integration: this involves us importing data from an external or internal (in-house) system through an API.
Dynamic ContentDo you have an integration with a dynamic creative platform that allow us to personalise the content based on a product feed?Although we don't have such an integration available off-the-shelf (yet), it is likely that will be part of our roadmap for the short or mid-term. Nevertheless, it is already possible to create audiences based on such 'product feed' variables, activate them through an execution platform and apply dynamic creative rules at that level.
Execution PlatformsWhich execution platforms are currently integrated with the Mapp DMP?The platforms that are currently integrated as an execution platform (i.e. push audience to target users) are AppNexus, Amazon DSP, Google Ads. 
Execution PlatformsCan you specify whether the integrations with execution platforms are bidirectional in a sense that you can push and pull data?Our permanent goal for each integration is to make them bi-directional in a sense that we can push audiences and also pull (digital media) data back into our DMP. Moreover, we always aim for real-time integrations on both sides (i.e. user-syncs, tracking pixels) to possitively stimulate match rates and latencies. Therefore, all our integrations are currently two-way based unless communicated otherwise. Another essential element when assessing the possibilities to integrate with a partner is a high level of scalability, meaning that it should take as less effort as possible for our clients to enable the integration(s).
Execution PlatformsIn terms of (technical) requirements, what information does Mapp need in order to integrate with an execution platform?Please consider this document as a guideline on what input is required. By answering the questions as stated in the RFI, Mapp has all the information they need to assess its feasibility and discuss next steps.
Execution PlatformsCan the Mapp DMP be used to manage and control frequency across multiple DSPs?We don't offer this functionality off-the-shelf but it can be achieved with a common-used workaround. Considering the fact that the DMP is also monitoring programmatic activity by means of impression tracking pixels it is possible to create audience(s) based on the frequency per user and use them to white- or even blacklist them from a certain campaign. Nevertheless, note that the involvement of a DMP in the programmatic workflow normally ends with automatically populating the audience segment in an execution platform. From a practical perspective and based on our own experience it would therefore be more time-efficient to manage and control the frequency within the DSP.
ExportDoes the Mapp DMP offer the ability to ingest cookie (sync) IDs into a client's system?Yes, this can either be achieved in real-time as a callback or as a batch export of IDs from the DMP and upload them into an external system.
ExportCan a client get access to certain data points in real-time?Yes, we can setup a real-time stream of the events we collect through something called a message queue or webhooks. Please contact your Account Manager in case you want more details or explore the possibilities furthermore.
FunctionalityHow can multiple data sources be incorporated and leveraged by means of a Mapp Acquire?The Mapp DMP has many out-of-the box integrations which can be directly enabled through our interface. Custom integrations for new data sources or execution platforms can be assessed during the implementation stage. Mapp provides clear guidelines on what's needed in order to set up a new integration or how these can be developed in-house using our APIs or easy-to-use connectors.
FunctionalityHow can the process of onboarding a new integration be defined?Integration process:
1. Client/internal request for new integration at DMP.
2. DMP to start communication with integration (find right contact, define process, get documentation).
3. Work out steps to integrate & assign developer to build integration.
4. Develop integration. We will continue communication with the integration partner during this phase as issues might come up / more information is needed.
5. Test integration (data collection, sending audiences, technical tests…)
6. Test integration with client.
7. Complete integration, add to Integration Settings in DMP.
Match RateDoes different Mapp Acquire will have different match rates to 3rd party cookies?Yes. match rates can differ per DMP and even per execution platform within one specific DMP. The Mapp DMP is dealing with match rates of approximately 85% for the main DSPs like AppNexus and Google DBM under normal conditions. Please note that the size of an audience created within the DMP is indeed dependent on the match rates, but our DMP also incluses a (container) tag management feature to piggyback external segment/conversion pixels onto the DMP pixels.
Match RateWhat determines the match rate between cookies and any other data source based on, for example, the email address (PII) as common identifier? The match rate is difficult to predict because it is dependent on two factors. The first dependent variable is the (recurring) traffic on the website where the pixel is implemented. In case a customer is already known by its email address (PII), he or she does also need to visit the website in order to drop a cookie and make the match based on a common identifier. Secondly, The type of common identifier can be considered as the second dependent variable. In case this identifier is an email address the on-site pixel should also be able to capture the email address at the time the cookie is dropped.
Match RateWould the match rate change significantly if a client was using one of the other Mapp products?To be completely transparent this is a field we're exploring since the integration with the other Mapp products is part of the 2016 roadmap and the determination of when the products can benefit from each other is still an ongoing process. The idea is to have an integrated marketing suite where a more sophisticated and automated way of matching the 'knows' with the 'unknowns' is one of the main focusses.
SettingsWhere can I determine which Integrations I want to enable/disable?You can see an overview of all available integrations in the 'Integrations' section as part of the 'Settings' menu. In here you will have the option to enable or disable the integrations.
SettingsWhat does it take to enable an integration via 'Integration Settings'?This varies per integration and is dependent on how it is set up. We always aim to build the integrations as scalable as possible, meaning that it takes our clients as less effort as possible to enable them. This, however, mainly depends on the processes of our partner which is why not every integration can be enabled by just toggle the button within the interface. The efforts of enabling an integration therefore differs from getting through a permission process together (e.g. AppNexus)
User SyncingHow does the Mapp Acquire support user syncing or cookie matching?This can be either initiated by the Mapp Acquire, by the third-party or a combination. The same goes for the storage of cookie sync IDs in a matching table. We have more than 15 integratons with execution platforms for which the user-syninc process is automated and available out of the box. 
User SyncingWhat is the difference between user syncing and cookie matching?Cookie matching is a form user syncing and could only be relevant when the situation is dealing with visitors on websites. A simplified explanation of cookie matching is that two parties see the same vistor in a request and redirect to the other party with their cookie id attached. There are other forms of user syncing in addition to cookie matching like uploading server side email addresses.
User SyncingDo you have an example of a user sync URL?

This is an example of the Mapp redirect URL for user syncing purposes: https://external-platform.com/getUserId?redir=https://go.flx1.com/sync?pl=1&userId={userId-macro}. This pixel would need to redirect to the Mapp flx1 URL. The macro part would need to be replaced during the redirect with the actual id. Mapp will initiate the sync process.

User SyncingWhen does the Mapp Acquire initiate a user syncing call?This depends on the requirements. We can either initiate the request ourselves when we see a visitor that has not been synced yet on the properties of the customer, or the other party can initiate the syncing on their properties.
User SyncingAre there instances where the user syncing process cannot be done?Yes, if for example the user blocks (third) party cookies or is using an Ad blocker.
User Syncing

How long are the cookie sync cycles with existing data providers and DSPs?

We always aim for real-time integrations on both sides (i.e. user-syncs, tracking pixels) to positively stimulate match rates and latencies. The majority of integrations already support real-time matching. Another essential element when assessing the possibilities to integrate with a partner is a high level of scalability, meaning that it should take as less effort as possible for our clients to enable the integration(s).

CostPlease also include any third-party software required. The cost of integration with any third-party services or systems is to be indicated separately, and fully described.Attribution Modelling and provisioning of 3rd party data is not included in our solution out of the box and we propose using your current or preferred systems. For budgetary purposes we would recommend a figure of £20,000 to £50,000 per year.

Mapp Acquire Technology

APIWhich API services (protocols and formats) do you support in order to import external data into the Mapp Acquire?The Mapp Acquire currently supports the following API services for importing external data: API REST based on a key:value format, batch import from Amazon S3, as well as SFTP methods.
ArchitectureWhat database technologies are being used to store and access user level data that has been collected by the Mapp Acquire pixels.We use Presto in combination with Hadoop for long-term storage and querying and a Cassandra cluster for processing data in real-time. The Cassandra key/value store also serves as the mapping database for User-ID lookup purposes (e.g. from Mapp User ID 1234 to Google DBM User ID 4321).
AvailabilityDid the Mapp Acquire experienced backend downtime within the last year?We experienced no backend down time last year.
AvailabilityDid the Mapp DMP experienced frontend downtime within the last year?We experienced frontend down time of approximately 3 hours last year due to AWS EBS outage.
Cross-DeviceHow does The Mapp DMP deal with cross-device technology?Cross-device technology helps to link users across different devices. This can be done in a deterministic way (e.g. a Google or Facebook login that is used on multiple devices) or in a probabilistic way (using additional data points to come to a good estimate). The Mapp Acquire cross-device technology is based on a probabilistic match. This match is made by using a user’s location in combination with the Device ID and several behavioural data points. Mapp then assigns a value based on the number of devices on a specific location. When the devices have been on several locations with a limited number of other devices, there is a cross-device match. In addition to our own cross-device technology we also work with technology partners who provide this functionality (e.g. Screen6, AdTruth, Device9, Tapad, etc.) to meet client demand for solutions they are already using in-house.
Cross-DeviceCan you explain the Mapp cross-device technology in a simplified way?In a nutshell: our model tries to find returning pairs of IDs based on the IP addresses (patterns) with the assumption that those pairs are representing two devices used by the same person. For instance, at our office IP we can see my laptop and mobile phone among many other devices. However, my laptop and mobile phone are a recurring pair of devices  we can see at multiple IPs (e.g. in my home, at our clients offices, at the train station and at phone masts along the highway), from which we may conclude that it represents one user with 2 devices.
Cross-DeviceHow can cross-device technology be applied?A principle like 'audience extension' with the purpose of reaching the user(s) on all devices that belong to them can be considered as a use case on the basis of a (probablistic) cross-device methodology. Based on the returning patterns a cross-device score will be calculated for a combination of multiple user identifiers. In case the score is above a certain threshold users will be automatically added to an audience in which either one of the IDs is belonging to. This will result in a more accurate and specific targeting of an individual across multiple devices.
FingerprintingWhat is fingerprinting technology?Fingerprinting is a technology that assigns a certain 'calculated' ID based on a user's browser settings (language, user agent, etc.). The fingerprint can be seen as a cross-browser methodology.
FingerprintingDoes the DMP set fingerprints and for what purpose(s)?There are two types of fingerprints, the server-side fingerprint and the client-side fingerprint. The server-side fingerprint is collected by default and the client-side fingerprint can be enabled on a per customer and per pixel basis. The latter is more reliable because it is based on more accurate web browser settings and can only be collected through a JavaScript pixel. Because a fingerprint is not directly targetable as it cannot be mapped/synced with an user identifier from an exteral platform it could only serve as a cross-browser methodology for audience extention purposes. This is however not enabled within our standard DMP offering.
MonitoringDo you offer a monitoring system which provides insights in the availability and latency for different services?We continously monitor the availability and performance of all components of our infrastructure using internal and external systems. In addition all components are redundant, meaning no single points of failure. Detailed overview is available on request and is part of our recurring security audit.
MonitoringAre there any automated processes for discovering (potential) bugs?Yes, our infrastructure contains automated tests that are executed every time a change is implemented. The tests test everything, not only the affected by the change parts. Moreover, every time a new issue is detected we fix the issue and write a new test that specifically tests for the affected part. Finally and in addition to automated tests we do manual testing in case of considerable changes and all code will be reviewed by other developer(s).
MonitoringPlease describe the capacity to generate alerts in case of data ingestion failures?Yes, we have full monitoring with automated alerting capabilities in place - including end-to-end checks - that covers the entire route of data ingestion. Moreover, we check the availability of external systems and are able to repair and/or restore data when needed. Finally, we pro-actively monitor issues from external systems and contacting them in case of issues that are affecting our infrastructure.
PixelsWhat is the difference between a JavaScript and Image pixel?JavaScript pixels can execute code, images not. You should always use the JavaScript pixel in case you want to track interactions or fire additional external pixels (piggyback). Note that the configuration of DMP segment and/or conversions requires the JavaScript on-site pixel. You should only use image pixels when there is no option to use JavaScript pixels or for purposes were JavaScript is disabled (e.g. emails)
PixelsWhere are the Mapp DMP data centers located that will take care of handling the pixel requests?We currently have 8 data center points of presence worldwide. Locations include, but are not limited to: New York, San Francisco, London, Amsterdam and Tokyo. For every location, we have redundant servers nearby in another data center from a different vendor. For example, we have locations in both New York and Newark to ensure we never have a single point of failure.
PixelsHow does the Mapp DMP deals with traffic peaks regarding the DMP pixel servers?Our infrastructure automatically scales and launches extra servers based on the load balance of the system.
PixelsAre you serving unminified or minified JavaScript?Our files are compressed using GZIP algorithms. We found that minifying does not decrease file size and sometimes increases it when using gzip compression.
PixelsWhat is the purpose of the various DOM elements, including script tags, in the scripts?It serves as an additional container tag to place external pixels which require JavaScript for full functionality.
PixelsMy browser console shows an 'ERR_BLOCKED' error when checking the DMP pixel implementation, what does that mean?This specific error is caused by Ad Blockers that prevent the DMP pixel to successfully initiate the user sync or cookie matching process between the Mapp DMP and an execution platform.
User InterfaceWhich languages are supported by the Mapp Acquire user interface?The language in the user interface is English but Unicode is supported for special characters as being used in other languages.
ServersDoes your platform run on cloud or on premise? In any of the each case briefly describe the architecture of your platform.We have both on­premise and cloud servers. Cloud servers are used mostly for geo­sensitive load balancing to make sure that the servers are very close to consumers to make sure that the latencies are as low as possible.
DatabaseWhat database technology do you use?We use Presto in combination with Hadoop for long-term storage and querying and a Cassandra cluster for processing data in real-time. The Cassandra key/value store also serves as the mapping database for User-ID lookup purposes (e.g. from Mapp User ID 1234 to Google DBM User ID 4321).
Data transfersWhat are your supported methods for data transfers?
  • REST API: key element of the open platform and also suitable to transfer data.

  • On­site Pixel Customization: this involves client side and server side and happens in real­time using JavaScript.

  • Batch Import: this involves us importing files stored on a directory such as Amazon S3, Google Storage, SCP, etc.

  • Queue Connection: this involves us importing data from a cluster through a messaging system like Kafka, SQS, SonicMQ, etc.Custom Integration: this involves us importing data from an external or internal (in­house) system through an API.

TestingWhat options do you provide to test and target?
  • Testing and acceptation environment

  • Ability to define an Audience of test users and ability to action on the integrated platforms

  • Ability to check data that is being collected from page

  • Raw data export that show all collected data

  • Individual level debug page that show all collected data and integrated platform user ID  : http://go.flx1.com/debug?show_mapping=1

Privacy & Security

AuthenticationCan you specify the process of authentication to access the Mapp Acquire?The authentication consists of a standard procedure (username+password) but users needs to be created or accepted by an admin user via User Management.
AuthenticationDoes your platform offer a user management system to control Mapp Acquire access?Yes. User group permissions and restrictions can be set and applied on a user level. This includes but is not limited to certain Pixels, Custom Audiences and/or Lookalike Audiences. This can be managed and controlled within the 'User Groups' section as part of the 'Settings' menu.
CertificationAre you IAB OBA certified?Yes.
Data StorageWhere is the DMP data being stored?All data is stored in Europe (i.e. Belgium, Netherlands, Germany). The processing of all data collection pixel calls needs to be as close to users as possible to guarantee our latencies. Therefore, the pixel servers are spread out across many different locations that includes Amsterdam, London, Dublin, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Singapore, Newark US, Dallas US, Atlanta US, and Fremont US. Please note that we do not store or process any PII data.
Data StorageIs there a way for an end-user to check which data is stored about him/her by means of the Mapp Acquire pixels?Yes, for this matter a specific webpage can be consulted: http://go.flx1.com/debug
Data StorageDoes the Mapp Acquire offer the ability to restrict the level of granularity of certain data points?Yes, it is possible to to restrict the level of granularity for certain privacy-sensitive data points (e.g. IP address, user agent).
LoggingDo you log any events once a user have been authenticated and is performing actions in the Mapp DMP?Yes, our real-time monitoring system and log management system is able to keep track of all actions and API calls performed or initiated by the user, even in case a user fails to authenticate or it applies to events initiated by the system.
Opt-OutDo you have a Mapp Acquire opt-out mechanism or management tool?

Yes. - https://go.flx1.com/opt-out

The IAB Europe OBA Framework and principles and allows all users to ‘opt-out’ of advertiser specific advertisements that are delivered using OBA methods. In addition, you can opt out for the Mapp data collection by clicking on a link on our website. In case you choose to opt out, an opt-out cookie will be stored in your web browser. From that moment on the Mapp DMP will recognize the opt-out cookie and apply your choice to all third parties leveraging the Mapp DMP. Please note that if you block or delete the opt-out cookie, the Mapp DMP will not be able to recognize your opt out anymore.

Opt-InDo you have a Mapp Acquire opt-in system?The DMP supports opt-in based tracking (in other words, no tracking will be done without explicit consent), it supports the right to be forgotten (with a full opt-out mechanism) and conditional privacy rules. This provides our clients the tools to make sure they are compliant.
PIIDoes the Mapp Acquire pixels collect any Personally Identifiable Information?We never log any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data with the standard version of the DMP pixels.
PortabilityWhat does your Data Portability look like?Customer’s raw data will be stored for one (1) year after which it will be stored in aggregated form for a maximum period of five (3) years. After this period, if the supplier wants to delete the aggregated data it will first contact the customer who then has the right to (i) receive the aggregated data older than five (3) years after which the supplier will delete the data or (ii) have the data deleted by the supplier without transferring it to the Customer.
User InterfaceDoes theMapp Acquire offer the ability to hide certain data fields from the interface?Yes, all data points collected through the DMP pixels can in theory be hided from the UI. 
User ManagementDoes your platform offer a user management system to control Mapp Acquire permissions?Yes. Multiple users can be created with different roles: 'allow all', 'deny all', or custom (e.g. read, edit, create and/or delete items). This can be managed and controlled within the 'User Groups' section as part of the 'Settings' menu.

Where (and at which place) is data anonymized / pseudonymised?

All data is anonymized as we're using random UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifier) to identify a user. Moreover, any given sensitive data collected by our pixels can be hashed. We never log any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data with the standard version of the DMP pixels. In case the IP address is considered as PII we even offer the possibility to store the truncated version.

Legal Officer

Is there a local contact person? If yes, what would be the possible support?

Yes, our organization does include a Privacy Officer (Tobias Guenther, based in Munich) who can help you with all kinds of legal inquiries.

Data Collection

Click Tracking PixelCan a browser handle large (character-based) click tracking pixel URLs?Yes, although the click tracking URLs could be quite long, this will almost never cause issues. Under normal conditions, the macros are much longer than the actual values once populated. Moreover, modern browsers are capable of handling URLs which are much longer than the average click tracking URLs. Nevertheless, we do advise to test the click tracking URLs before putting it in production.
Click Tracking PixelCan the click tracking pixel be tested to review whether it is working correctly? there a way to check if the click URL of a Mapp DMP Pixel is working correctly?You can check if the pixel is properly implemented by opening the click tracking pixel URL in your browser. If the pixel is implemented correctly, you should then be redirected to the correct landing page. This work in all instances, even when you customized the click tracking pixel.
Click Tracking PixelCan the process of adding impression tracking pixels to creatives be automated?The process of automatically implementing impression tracking pixels onto new creatives is currently only applicable to certain the AppNexus (DSP) integration. Please contact your Account Manager in case you want to explore other possibilities.
Click Tracking Pixel
Can you create Impressions or Click Tracking Pixels for platforms that are not available from the dropdown in the 'Export' tab (step 3) of Data Collection?Yes, new platforms can be added to this list. This normally takes up to 24 hours and can be prioritized in case of urgent needs. Please file a support ticket or contact your Account Manager in case you have such a request.
FunctionalityWhat is the 'Data Collection' feature?Our DMP includes an easy to use interface to create on-site pixels and/or impression and click trackers. The on-site pixels need to be placed directly on the website to gather 1st party data. This is just one line of code that can be implemented in the header or body of a website. The same code can be used for each and every page and no additional customization is needed. The impression and Click trackers can be exported for various marketing and advertising platforms in order to collect ad serving data. In addition there are several options to enrich the data collected through our on-site pixel or through the impression and click trackers. Note that first party data from other platforms (proprietary or in-house) follow the a same procedure as for integrations.
FunctionalityWhat standard data is being collected automatically by means of the Mapp Acquirepixels?An overview of our log format containing all default data fields can be found elsewhere in the wiki. It will provide more details as well as examples that are relevant for the various pixel events.
FunctionalityWhen does the data becomes available in the DMP once I implemented a pixel?From the moment our DMP pixel servers are being called it takes up to several minutes before it is permanently stored in our cluster. From there the data will be derived into the relevant databases that serves as the basis for almost all DMP features. It therefore only takes 10 to 15 minutes before the data becomes available for audience building purposes. Please note that the counters in the Real-Time Dashboad does not deal with any latencies.
FunctionalityHow does the Mapp DMP handle browsers which do not accept third party cookies (e.g. Safari)?Before dropping the Mapp DMP cookie we validate that the browser actually accepts cookies. As the outcome of this process we exclude all users with browsers that do not accept cookies which is in line with our privacy policy. Please note that a user with this kind of browser hasn't got a cookie and can therefore not be recognized or targeted in an execution platform.
FunctionalityIs it mandatory to collect the IP addresses of users by default?No, this is not mandatory. In case you not wish to use the IP addresses or may not want to collect them you can reach out to your Account Manager. There are several options to be compliant or to restrict the collection of IP addresses out of privacy concerns such as hashing or truncating.
FunctionalityWhat is the purpose of collecting the IP addresses of users?The IP address will be collected automatically and being used for several purposes. First of all, the IP could be used as an alternative user or common identifier to connect data sources or systems. Secondly, the geographical elements of our data feed will be retrieved by a geo-IP look-up based on an external database. Lastly, the IP addresses will also be used to automatically prevent fraud.
FunctionalityWhat is the difference between the referer_url and the event_referer_url?The referer_url is present in the 'Request Header' section of the browser console and represents the referer of the pixel itself. In case a user enters a page on which the pixel is active and being loaded for the first time this referer_url is always similar to the actual event_url. When you then visit the 'next page' it will be the url of the first page visit where the pixel was loaded. Consider this as the internal pixel referer_url. The event_referer_url is present in the 'Query String Parameters' section of the browser console. This is the referer_url as represent in the 'Query String Parameters' section. As an example you could imagine that a user has entered the page on which the pixel is active as a result of clicking on a google search entry and can therefore be seen as the cross-domain referer_url.
FunctionalityWill the event_referer_url always be transparent?No, unfortunately not. There are instances where the DMP pixel is not able to populate the event_referer_url (cross-domain) due to a couple of reasons. First of all, the event_referer_url could be a secure page. Secondly, the user could have restrict the DMP pixel to capture the event_referer_url as part of the browser settings. Lastly, the user could have installed plugins like ghostery which makes it impossible for the DMP pixel to capture the event_referer_url.
FunctionalityWhat is the level of domain transparency relevant to the Mapp DMP pixels?The DMP stores all domains that we have access to, independent on the type of pixel collector. So there is no such thing as an 'undisclosed' domain. However, in some cases we are unable to detect the domain ourselves as they are not provided, for example when the creative has been served in an (double) iframe.
FunctionalityAfter how much time will the data being collected becomes unavailable for audience creation?Customer’s raw data will be stored for one (1) year by default after which it will be stored in aggregated form for a maximum period of five (5) years. The cookie lifetime is set to two years by default. So our clients will still be able to create an audience based on the available data events, even after several months, although the maximum look back window within the Custom Audience builder is currently set at 30 days. Please note that the expiry data of an execution platform can differ from the numbers above.
ImplementationHow does the on-site pixel needs to be implemented?The on-site pixel code (JavaScript) that can be exported from the DMP should be implemented on each and every page. Therefore, the code can just be placed in the <body> or <header> section of a website. This way it automatically loads on all pages belonging to the domain, unless implemented otherwise.

Which possibilities do you have to check the correct placement of pixels and containers?

An important step of the onboarding procedure is to check whether the pixel is implemented correctly and if the data is being collected properly. In order to do so, the DMP includes a feature to verify the DMP pixel loads in a user-friendly way and without the need for developer skills. A ‘Pixel Activity Monitor’ can be enabled as an On-Site pixel module and serves as a tool to verify, if the DMP pixel is active on the website. It will pop-up as a floating and draggable element in your browser and shows all data events that are initiated by the implemented pixel script. This also includes interaction events like ‘Time on Page’, ‘Page Scroll’, and ‘Form Interactions’ that are originating from the default pixel modules.

ImplementationHow does the impression tracking pixel needs to be implemented?The impression tracking pixel as exported from the Mapp DMP interface must be implemented on a creative or ad unit level in the execution platform. Therefore we suggest to consult the documentation available from the execution platform which normally contains one or more entries about 'adding 3rd party impression tracking pixels'.
ImplementationHow does the click tracking pixel needs to be implemented?The click tracking pixel as exported from the Mapp DMP interface must be implemented on a creative or ad unit level in the execution platform. As part of the implementation you need to make sure that the relevant 'Landing Page URL' will be added or dynamically populated after the '&out=' parameter. We suggest to consult the documentation available from the execution platform which normally contains one or more entries about 'adding 3rd party click tracking pixels'.
ImplementationShould the on-site pixel code be added to every page on the website or just to certain pages?The pixel code should be placed on every page. However, if you feel a particular page is too sensitive, you can leave out the pixel code.
ImplementationCan two on-site DMP pixels be implemented on a single website?Yes, the tags are isolated meaning that multiple tags can be implemented on a single page without conflicting each other. Moreover, the pixels will fire asynchronously so it should never be able to affect loading times or resulting in errors visible for the visitors.
ImplementationCan your on-site pixel be placed into a container tag?Yes, our pixel can be deployed through all tag managers. This includes but is not limited to Google Tag Manager, Qubit, and Tealium.
ImplementationCan the pixel be implemented into an iFrame?Yes that is possible, but we strongly advise to not do this. If you implement the pixel in an iframe it will only measure the actual loads and just a couple of other variables. Note that the event_url and/or referer_url in this case will also reference to the url of the iFrame.
ImplementationWhat are the limitations of an image pixel in terms of data collection capabilities?Image pixels cannot execute code so image pixels are not capable of collecting any interactions. 
Impression Tracking PixelTo what extent can I customize the Impression Trackers?

The impression trackers pixels can be customized to a large extent by means of predefined parameters as part of our log format. You're able to add and delete variables. However, some variables are required. The impression tracking pixels will not work without the following variables:

  1. Member ID (m) 
  2. Pixel ID (id) 
  3. Creative ID (cid)
Impression Tracking Pixel
Can you create Impressions Tracking Pixels for platforms that are not available from the dropdown in the 'Export' tab (step 3) of Data Collection?Yes, new platforms can be added to this list. This normally takes up to 24 hours and can be prioritized in case of urgent needs. Please file a support ticket or contact your Account Manager in case you have such a request.
MobileWhat are the limitations of the Mapp on-site pixel on mobile?The pixel works just fine on a mobile browser. The in-app implementation is more complex as this requires an SDK or specific customization of the regular on-site pixel. Nevertheless we already have clients that successfully customized the on-site pixel in order to capture client specific data based on user behaviour in their mobile app.
MobileDo you have a mobile Software Development Kit (SDK)?We have an alpha version of the mobile SDK for iOS and Android which cannot be exposed to clients (yet). However, the Mapp team is always available to assist in collecting any data from mobile apps and can provide you of examples. Please note that a much deeper and more sophisticated integration with the mobile capabilities of DMC is on the roadmap and will be worked on accordingly.
MobileDo you need an mobile Software Development Kit (SDK) to collect in-app data?No, there is an alternative way to capture specific mobile in-app data by means of customizing the regular on-site pixel. Mapp provides clear guidelines which can be found in this document.
MobileDescribe your technology’s awareness/approach to understanding and impacting mobility (both customers engaging via mobile- searching, calling, in-app, email, etc. and how can the company activate via mobile - for example, ads, apps, on location, call center, etc.).The Mapp Data Management Platform is part of Mapp’s Digital Marketing Center (DMC). Within DMC we have a mobile app offering which can be used to collect and execute data in apps.
On-Site PixelWhat data will and can be collected from a client's website?By default we track many data points including behavioral (e.g. time-on-page, scroll-depth, and web-form interactions), geographic, and psychographic variables. Besides this we store contextual data like the event url and the referer url for each and every webpage on which the pixel is active. In addition, we offer a built-in tag management solution that enables our clients to create segments and/or conversions based on many conditions such as 'page text regex', 'Ajax click paths' and 'JavaScript expressions'. The interface contains a drop and drop system allowing you to combine conditions by boolean logic. The data is mainly being used for creating custom audiences, lookalike audiences and analytics. Note that the data usage is totally in the hands or our clients since Mapp does not use the data for any other purposes.. 
On-Site PixelWhat is the difference between the interaction tracking modules 'Webform Interactions' and 'Form Values'?With the 'Webform Interactions' module enabled a data event will be collected at any time a user has interacted with any webform on the website, including search bars. It basically just tracks interactions of the type webform focus, webform click or webform input but ignores the actual value entered in case of the latter. With the 'Form Values' module enabled the DMP does actually collect this value being entered into a webform field. Please note that these Form Values are being stored unhashed by default which may result in the collection of PII. Mapp is not responsible for this so in case a certain value needs to be hashed you can reach out to your account manager before enabling the 'Form Values' module.
On-Site PixelWhat is the difference between an on-site Segment and an on-site Conversion?Segment and conversions are industry-standard labels for targetable enitites (terminology).The only difference from a technical perspective is that you can apply deduplication settings on a conversion level within the Mapp DMP. For the rest they both represent a conglomeration of unique User IDs (cookies) that will be added to the entity when the on-site user interactions meets the condition(s) that have been configured for this segment or conversion. Typically a conversion serves as a recognizable label of valuable user interactions in an e-commerce environment such as a purchase event, a subscribe event, or a download event.
PerformanceDoes the Mapp DMP Pixel impact performance of the website?No, all our pixels load asynchronously. Because of this our pixels do not affect the loading time of a website. The asynchronous loading time should be less than one second under normal conditions. You can always inspect the loading time in the console of your web browser.
PerformanceIn case the Mapp servers are not accessible or slow to respons for any reason, what would be the expected impact on the actual website?Given the fact that all of the DMP pixels are loading asynchronously, they should never impact a websites' loading time or user experience. This should even not happen in the very unlikely scenario of when the DMP pixels takes minutes to load or is unresponsive.
Tag ManagerDo you have a self service tag manager?Yes, the 'Configure On-Site' section as part of the data collection workflow can be considered as an integrated and self-service tag management solution.
Tag ManagerDoes the Mapp DMP offer piggyback possibilities for external pixels?Yes, this can be managed from within the 'Configure On-Site' section as part of the Data Collection workflow. When creating a segment or conversion it allow you to populate external pixels as an optional configuration. All type of pixels (e.g. image url, script, etc.) are supported and can be added on the flight. After hitting the 'Save' button the on-site pixel will be automatically redeployed to take all changes into consideration. Therefore, the DMP on-site pixel functions as a container tag but can also be incorporated into an external container tag (vice versa).
Tag ManagerCan we track frequency and/or recency aspects on a user level within the DMP?Yes, by default we track various kinds of user interactions on a webpage where the on-site DMP pixel is implemented and activated. You can further specify frequency and recency metrics within the 'Configure On-Site' section by creating segment or conversions and apply deduplication rules.
Tag Manager

Do you have functionality that provides custom naming conventions on top of standard tag IDs for better handling of complex client and cross country setups?

Yes, apart from the standard naming convention of pixel and attributes, the DMP supports to use custom labels, taxonomies or hierarchies. Therefore, it can be fully implemented according to our client’s needs in terms of structure and setup.

TaxonomyIs it possible to create our own taxonomy/hierarchy for data points?Yes, we have APIs available and could provide an user-friendly interface that enables you to classify content or create your own taxonomy based on the available data points. and an interface that should enable you to classify content. Please contact your Account Manager in case you want to further explore the possibilities or have any additional questions.
Custom Data

Can I use user-defined variables?

Because every website has its own content and structure it is important to customize the DMP On-Site Pixel according to your client needs. The Custom Data feature enables you to capture relevant elements from a specific website/webpage that are available from the source code or even from user generated content and send it to the DMP in real-time. This enables you to store highly relevant data attributes that can be used to create advanced Custom Audiences.

Custom Audiences

Execution PlatformsWhat execution platforms can be choosen to push audiences to?All execution platforms for which the 'data activation' integrations have been enabled for your account. Once we set up such an integration on your behalf, meaning that the targetable users will be pushed to the relevant seat, you are able to select this execution platform from the list as shown in the Custom Audience interface. In case you want to explore the possibility to integrate an other or new platform you can always reach out to your Account Manager.
Execution PlatformsHow long does it take to upload a Custom Audience to an execution platform?Depending on the size of the Custom audience and the integration latency determined by the execution platform this varies from 5 minutes to 60 minutes.
FunctionalityIs it possible to explore/evaluate the size of a Custom Audiences before actually creating it?Yes, there are basically two ways of evaluating the size of your audience on forehand. Report Central can be used as an exploration tool to execute ad-hoc analytical queries in order to gather aggregated insights on all data events. Moreover, the Custom Audience builder includes a 'preview' functionality to quickly evaluate the (estimated) audience size based on an sampling query. Please note that both tools doesn't take into account any statictics around cookie matching rates.
FunctionalityIs it possible to combine different types of data events (e.g. 1st party, 2nd party, and 3rd party) in the Custom Audience builder?Yes, this is actually one of its core elements. The Custom Audience builder allow you to easily segmentate users based on all data events of all data types that are available in the DMP. Boolean logic (AND and OR statements) can be applied to combine the conditions available from the left-hand menu. Please note that the DMP could also incorporate custom dimensions to make sure it fit your needs.
FunctionalityIs the Audience in a 1:1 relationship with the Platform? In case I need to send the same Audience to more than one platform, do I need to duplicate it and select a different Platform for each of them?Yes, at the moment it is a 1:1 relationship indeed.
FunctionalityHow does the system help manage the customer experience across the lifecycle?The solution can assist in managing the customer experience across the lifecycle by generating predefined and subsequent Custom Audiences to simulate the user journey through all the available data points and ensure the users will receive the right messages at the right time.
FunctionalityHow is the lifecycle defined, and what data does that include? How is that data then made actionable for use to influence messaging and tailored interactions at each stage (automated or manual process)?By means of Custom Audiences the DMP can feed a tool like Optimizely or any other CMS or dynamic creative platform to leverage their recommendation / personalization engine to influence messaging and tailored interactions at each stage in an automated way.
OperatorsWhat operators can be used?Operators for conditions are dependent on the type of the field. For strings it includes 'equals', 'contains', 'doesn't equal' and 'doesn't contain'. For integers it includes 'at least', 'at most' and 'between'. Moreover, certain fields like Recency, Weekday and Day part do have specific operators, as well as custom fields that can be configured according to its relevancy and the needs of our client. All conditions can then be combined based on Boolean logic (AND/OR).
SegmentWhat is the difference between an on-site Segment and a Custom Audience?A DMP segment allow you to easily (pre)-segmentate the visitors based on user behavioral aspects like 'page views' and 'page text'. It is only applicable on on-site traffic and will explicitly fire a pixel and therefore capture an interaction at the time a user is performing the behavior as set in the conditions. The Custom Audience builder goes beyond browser sessions and allow you to combine each and every data event available in the DMP up to 30 days in the past. Please note that a DMP segment could be complementary to a Custom Audience considering the following example: You can create an audience of users that have been on the website twice over the past 7 days AND visited at least 3 pages (segment) during both sessions.

Which possibilities do you have to search for segments / audiences? Please sketch.

Within our platform you will have the possibility to search audiences by using the designed search bar. We also provide a clear overview page in which all audiences (including audience characteristics) are lined up.
Social MediaTargeting social media users in social media channels & enriching data to be used in targeting customers inhouse & social media channels.Custom Audiences can be pushed to Facebook. Moreover, the Mapp Data Management Platform is part of Mapp’s Digital Marketing Center (DMC). Beyond executing mobile optimised emails, Mapp’s DMC allows to engage in an integrated, real-time conversation with your customers across all digital channels—Email, Mobile, and social.
Returning UsersHow does the DMP identify a returning user?Once a user enters our DMP by means of a pixel request, our system runs a check on the cookie ID. If the cookie ID is already known to us, then all collected data will be added to the already existing user profile. If not, than this means we're dealing with new user and a new profile will be drafted.
Duplicate User ProfilesHow does you platform handle duplicate user profiles?Deduplication for profiles available in the TMG native applications (Subcriber Registration, CRM, etc.) will normally be handled in an ETL pre-process, meaning that the data will be cleaned before it enters the DMP. For data being collected through the DMP pixels this happens automatically by reading and recognizing the cookie. Therefore, each event in the DMP will refer to a single profile that always contains the unified and unique User ID

Lookalike Audiences

ModelCan you please explain the various parameters that you look at for creating the Lookalike Audience?It's based on many user characteristics within the log-level data (both descriptive and behavioral data points) as well as the metadata (e.g. number of events). More information can be found in our wiki: General FAQ.
FunctionalityWhat is the trade-off between reach,balance and similarity. How accurate/similar will the Lookalike Audience be based on the optimization type?This depends per Lookalike Audience as the system is dependent on the quality/quantity of the input datapoints and it will train the model accordingly.
FunctionalityIs is possible to show the estimated reach before creating a Lookalike Audience?Unfortunately not. We cannot guarantee a minimum/maximum number of users for a Lookalike Audience because it will score against 'new' users which are yet unknown.
FunctionalityWhat does the number shown under "Users" mean?The number as shown under “Users” represents the amount of users that have been classified as a lookalike by our model. The actual number of users uploaded to AppNexus in this case may be a bit lower due to the fact that the match rate is never 100%.
CustomizationIs it possible to extract cookie-level DMP data in order to run propietary algorithms or lookalike models in-house and ingest the results back in the DMP?Yes. User level cookie data can be exported from the DMP by means of the batch export API. After processing the output and running an algorithm you can then upload the results back into the Mapp DMP. In order to target specific users as an outcome of the in-house modelling, the data events that will be imported back into the DMP should include the Mapp User IDs.


ExportWhat formats are available to export data from the Report Central?The current export formats supported are CSV and TSV. In addition data can be exported through our (batch export) API.

Which possibilities do I have to export data?

Full flexibility since even the raw data logs can be exported via our API service(s). Moreover, within the analytical features of our DMP you will have the possibility to export the output in different file formats. 
FunctionalityDoes the Mapp DMP provide advanced analytics on a user level (e.g. duplication reports, a frequency to conversion analysis)?The Mapp DMP offers the possibility to track all customer interaction touch points across the customer journey. Hereby, the unique and user specific ID serves as a key reference to identify the same consumer across these touch points. Because of the fact that each datapoint can be leveraged within the DMP this means it includes but is not limited to deduplication analysis and/or frequency to conversion analysis.
FunctionalityCould you share some real examples of Report Central usage?Report Central is mainly being used to explore the data that is collected by the DMP pixels. Think for instance of agencies who run analysis to see how many unique users have seen an impression from campaign X. Other clients are using Report Central to quickly gather insights on the segment/conversion loads based on on-site data – like Data Collection insights but then with a custom date range or with additional (hourly) breakdowns on Geo, browser or operating system.
FunctionalityWhich possibilities do you have to analyze segments / audiences?

The Mapp DMP includes several reporting capabilities; a Real-Time Dashboard, a Report Central feature, a User Overlap feature, Audience Insights & Data Collection Insights. The Real-Time dashboard includes a couple of counters and graphics (e.g. trendline) to provide real-time insights into the data events that are being collected by the various DMP pixels. Report Central can be used as an exploration tool to execute ad-hoc analytical queries in order to quickly gather aggregated insights on all data events collected with the DMP pixels. User Overlap allows you to easily run an analysis to get valuable and strategic insights on the user overlap between two items. It calculates the percentage of overlapping (unique) users that are included in both the input item as well as the comparative item. Audience Insights provides some predefined analytics about either a Custom or a Lookalike Audience. The Data Collection Insights can be used to quickly gather stats about all entities in Data Collection such as the number of unique users per segment or conversion.

FunctionalityDoes the platform support cross channel reporting? For example does it have the ability to pivot mobile and web data?The user interface includes an ad-hoc query building tool which is called Report Central that allow you to report on a subset of attributes available in the DMP. Moreover, by means of our open (batch export) API you can access and export even the raw logs. The latter is part of our standard offering and well documented in our technical wiki.
FunctionalityDoes the platform support customer journey analysis?The DMP does not support customer journey visualizations off the shelf but all data attributes can be collected and exported. Moreover, segment and/or custom audiences can be created in order to analyse the complete customer journey.
FunctionalityDoes the platform have the ability to query sampling data?The Custom Audience builder includes a 'preview' functionality to quickly evaluate the (estimated) audience size based on an sampling query.
FunctionalityDoes the platform have an automated alert mechanism for campaign optimization based on business rules and for what media forms (search, display etc.)?The solution can assist in automatic campaign optimization by generating predefined and subsequent Custom Audiences to simulate the user journey through all the available data points and ensure the users will receive the right messages at the right time.
Custom Reports

Is there a possibility to create custom reports?

Yes, we dedicated a whole feature to this. Within Report Central you can build your own report by selecting the data you want to see, in real time your report is generated on your screen. Moreover, any custom report can be created on top of our open API. In theory you could build your own dashboard with High-charts for instance and integrate the view into our DMP.


Does your data management solution provide functionality that can forecast / project audience volumes and variable based on historical data?

Yes, there are basically two ways of evaluating the size of your audience on forehand. Report Central can be used as an exploration tool to execute ad-hoc analytical queries in order to gather aggregated insights on all data events. Moreover, the Custom Audience builder includes a 'preview' functionality to quickly evaluate the (estimated) audience size based on a sampling query. Please note that both tools doesn’t take into account any statistics around cookie matching rates.

Standard ReportsWhat stabndard reports do you offer (Real-time Dashboard)?

Real time dashboard which displays the following metrics and dimensions in real time:

  • Number of impressions served

  • Number of clicks

  • Media costs

  • Media forecast and visualization based on geo­location where events are taking place.

The Report Central product, allows custom in depth reports to be created from all collected data.

We have more than standard 90 columns available, which we measure on every request and which are available for reporting. In addition custom and customer specific metrics are available. Overview of all standard dimensions is available on our wiki. Depending on the wishes of our customer dimensions for reporting can be added or removed.
LogsDo you log any user interactions?We track and store all user actions performed within the DMP interface or through the API. The user logs are not externally available but can be exported in case this is required.

Client Services

OnboardingHow can the Mapp DMP On-boarding traject be specified?During the onboading traject a dedicated Account Manager will guide you trough the process of getting you familiar with the Mapp DMP as well as providing access to all training materials. After setting up the Mapp DMP account and providing the client access he or she will also host several training sessions, either in-person or web-based. During the onboarding traject the use case(s) of the client are central in providing both technical support and additional services. In the first week of the contract also the implementation traject will start to cover any customizations needed.
OnboardingHow can the Mapp DMP implementation traject be specified?As part of the onboarding traject one of our Implementation Consultant(s) will guide you through the implementation phase that normally takes a few weeks up to a couple of months, depending on the level of customization. As part of this implementation traject he or she will review, assess, and scope any features or requirements that aren't available in the Mapp DMP at the time of delivery and that require development resources. In case the standard onboarding procedure is not applicable as a result of our clients' specific requirements, the Implementation Consultant will work towards a custom project proposal together with the client. Please note that this will likely involve additional costs on top of the base setup fee.
OnboardingAre there any training materials?Yes. We have an intensive onboarding process including a detailed guideline, technical and functional documentation in our wiki, conference calls and on-site visits.
OnboardingPlease explain your service support model during go-live and post-migration phase?Beyond our standard Account Management, Project Management and Customer Support we have suggested optional Extended Services to support Phased On-boarding and drive value from your investment in DMP technology. We have a firm focus on user adoption for the platform and up-skilling business users to become confident with data segmentation and analysis. The Extended Services proposal is for a bundle of hours to be used post-implementation.
ServiceHow is your client services structured? Are we going to get dedicated account managers?Yes, you are going to get a dedicated Account Manager. He/she will be first point of contact for general inquiries and guides you through the onboarding procress.
ServiceWhat is your service model?
  • Saas - The DMP is a cloud based solution

  • Managed - Primarily the DMP is self service solution, depending on specific criteria, such as the   opportunity a managed solution could be created, but this depending  

  • Blended approach (project-based bookings available)  - This service model is unavailable from the DMP offering

SupportPlease describe the access and availability of both technical and operational support?We use Zendesk for all support and feedback. Available by emailing support@flxone.com and directly through the UI in the DMP. Within Zendesk our customers are able to track the status of their support tickets. Response time is depending on SLA.
SupportWhat kind of SLA and response time do you offer?Our standard contract stipulates response time of less than 24 hours. This can be changed on request. Our standard SLA can be requested by contacting our Sales Department or Account Manager.
SupportCan you describe the escalation procedure?Our first line of contact is a 24/7 response team that takes care of handling the everyday support tickets. In case of urgent matters a notification goes to the development team and the core support staff who will take care of inform our clients.
SupportAre you supported by an external or internal team in this project? How many people?We have both internal (engineering, customer support, product support etc.) and external (reseller, partner, alliance resources) can be utilized in supporting this project. There are 90 resources dedicated to customer support.
TeamWhere is the core Mapp DMP team located?The DMP Center of Excellence is situated in Eindhoven, The Netherlands and hosts our Client Service Managers, Application Consultants, and Engineers who are available for support. All of them are fluent in English and Dutch.
Communication UpgradesHow does the team communicate upgrades?We always make sure that our customers are up to date on all new features and functionality. Updates and upgrades are clearly documented and your account manager will be stand­by to handle any unexpected events.

Pricing & Billing

Pricing ModelWhat is your pricing model?

For all pricing related queries please contact us through our online form: https://mapp.com/get-in-touch/

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