Client Side

Client Side

The Mapp DMP supports the capability to accept any valid JavaScript code to collect custom attributes from a website with the on-site pixel. Consider the request template and the parameter description as a basis.

Contents of the Table

Use Cases

When the on-site pixel is implemented on a website:

  • Customize the DMP on-site pixel data to capture any relevant elements that are available from the source code of a website and send it to the DMP in real-time. Think for instance of the value of a shopping basket or the balance of an account. The custom data attributes can then be used to create advanced Custom Audiences.


window.flx1.data('key', value, true)

Dynamic Elements
keyThis represents the key and can be specified by the customer.
valueThis represents the value that must be captured. The implementation can vary and needs to be specified in the custom code as well.
trueThis indicates that the key is a custom attribute.


Please find below a specific example of a custom attribute that will be send to the DMP. This online gambling company wants to capture the amount of money that a logged-in user has left on his account. By collecting this value in real-time by means of the on-site pixel that is implemented on the website and store it in the DMP, The marketing division is able to create an audience of users that almost have an empty balance. An online marketing campaign on either one of the execution platforms can then be activated to encourage those users to do a cash deposit on their account and start gambling again.

Since the account balance is available from this website once a user is logged in, it is possible to collect and store this value as a custom attribute in the DMP feed.

  1. Confirm that the on-site pixel is implemented and active on the website.
  2. Inspect the element you want to track and copy its class.
  3. Configure the JavaScript expression.
var balance = window.flx1_jQuery('.total-amount').text(); if (balance.length > 0) {window.flx1.data('balance', balance, true);}


  1. Login to the DMP and edit the relevant pixel at step 1 of the Data Collection workflow.
  2. Enter the JavaScript without the <script> tags into the Custom Code box.
  3. Save the changes in the DMP.