DMP Audience to DMC Group Matching (Mapp Digital - Email)

Do integration settings as given in Integration setup. Also, please make sure the CEP users have enough credits added to their user account to be able to send emails.

Email Address On Site Example

  1. In DMP: Create a pixel as below:
  2. In CEP go to Content > create a Landing Page and add this pixel in the landing page html. This landing page can have any html code. But please don't forget to add the DMP pixel On-site script in the HTML body. Let us call this landing page as "Main Test landing page". Make sure you publish this landing page.

  3. In CEP, Create another landing page and add an email field naming it dmc_ch and also add a NEW on-site pixel script (not the one used above). Here is a landing page HTML Code example that should work:
    Let us call this landing page as "Add Email landing page". Make sure you publish this landing page.

        <h3>Add E-mail (allows only one email address):</h3>
        <form action="#">
          E-mail: <input type="email" name="dmc_ch">
          <input type="submit">
        <script>(function(e){var t=document,n=t.createElement("script");n.async=!0,n.defer=!0,n.src=e,t.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(n)})("//")</script>


  4. In CEP create a contact with your email ID that you will use to test this use case.

  5.  In DMP create a new Audience with integration set to Mapp-Email and Add Conditions having pixel = <the pixel id created for Main Test landing page> 

  6. Check in CEP groups that a group named same as the audience created in DMP is created by default.

  7. In browser open incognito mode and check debug page, the “uuid” field should be 0 then open the Add Email Landing Page created in step 3. In the email field enter your email ID (the one for which you created CEP contact). Refresh the debug page and note that uuid field is not 0.

  8. In same browser open the Main Test landing page now for testing.

  9. In few minutes check that your user is added in the CEP group as a member.

Email Link Click to a DMP pixel embedded Landing Page Example

  1. In CEP, create a group and add your test email as a member. Make sure this test email is an added contact in CEP.

  2. Follow steps 1 and 2 from "Email Address On Site Example" above. i.e. create a pixel and a landing page with that pixel embedded in it.

  3. In CEP, go to Content > Email> Create. Compose the message and click on Prepare Sendout > Click on 'Edit message' and the emails HTML code will appear. Add the landing page link in the email HTML body as below. Save this code and go back to the Message Creation page.

    <a href="https://your created landing page link">Click link</a>
  4.  In Message Creation page > Group option > select the group created in step 1. 

  5. Click on Check Message.

  6. After message is checked click on Send Message and the message will be sent.

  7. Follow Steps 5 and 6 from "Email Address On Site Example" above i.e. create an audience in DMP integrated with Mapp-Email and check in CEP that a group for that audience is created.

  8. Check the inbox or junk/spam box of your test email. Open the test cep message sent above and click on the link in the email.

  9. Check the CEP group after a couple of minutes, the user should be added to the group created in step 6 here (Remember: this user should already be a contact in CEP and also, the feature switches mentioned in integration set up should be enabled).