Data Overview RC

Data Overview RC

Within Report Central, you can choose from a variety of dimensions and measures. The table below shows you all available variables along with a short description and an example.

Date - DayDateDay of the event in UTC.yyyy-mm-dd
Date - WeekdayDateWeekday of the event.Monday
Date - Day of MonthDateDay of the month for an event.16
Date - Day of YearDateDay of the year for an event in - Starting from 01/01.112 (= April 22th)
Date - Week of YearDateWeek number of the year for an event - Week starts on Tuesday.Week 15 (Current week)
Date - MonthDateMonth of the event.March
Date - QuarterDateQuarter of the year for an event.Quarter 2 (= April, May & June)
Date - YearDateYear of the event.2014
Date - HourDateHour of the event00-23
Date - MinuteDateMinute of the event00-59
Event TypeInteger

Type of the event.

Possible values:
1 = Impression
2 = Pixel
3 = Click
4 = User ID sync
5 = Interaction
6 = Data pass

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6

Interaction TypeInteger

Type of the interaction when Event Type is an Interaction (5).

Possible values:
0 = No Interaction
4 = Time on Site
8 = Scroll Down
9 = Ad Hover
12 = Form Focus
13 = Form Click
14 = Form Keydown

0, 4, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14
Interaction Value

Value(s) for the Interaction Types when this is not 0.

Possible values when Interaction Type is Time on Site (4):
5 = 5 seconds
10 = 10 seconds
20 = 20 seconds
30 = 30 seconds
60 = 60 seconds / 1 minute
90 = 90 seconds / 1.5 minute
120 = 120 seconds / 2 minutes
180 = 180 seconds / 3 minutes
240 = 240 seconds / 4 minutes
300 = 300 seconds / 5 minutes

Possible values when Interaction Type is Scroll Down (8):
10 = 10% scroll down
25 = 25% scroll down
50 = 50% scroll down
75 = 75% scroll down
100 = 100% scroll down

Possible values when Interaction Type is Ad Hover (9):
300 = 300 milliseconds
1000 = 1000 milliseconds / 1 second
3000 = 3000 milliseconds / 3 seconds

Collector Pixel IDIntegerPixel ID of the collector. Matches the unique ID for a specific pixel (e.g. Smart Pixel, Impression tracking, Click tracking) created within the Mapp DMP (Data Management > Real-Time Data Collection).99
Geo - CountryStringThe country where the event took place.
Format: 3 characters conform ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code; List of possible values.
Geo - StateStringThe region where the event took place, using Maxminds' GeoIP database; List of possible values.London, City of
Geo - CityString

The city where the event took place, using Maxminds' GeoIP database. Note: Accuracy may vary by country

Geo - Postal CodeStringThe postal code of the region where the event took place, using Maxminds' GeoIP database.
User AgentStringThe User Agent - software that is acting on behalf of the user - responsible for the event.Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.116 Safari/537.36
Device BrandStringThe brand of the device where the event took place.Apple
Operating SystemString

The operating system on the device where the event took place.

Possible values:
0 = Unknown
1 = Linux
2 = Mac
3 = Windows
4 = Android
5 = iOS

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
BrowserStringThe name of the browser where the event took place.Chrome
Browser LanguageStringLanguage, as reported by the browser; 2 character format.en
Browser Language CountryStringLanguage country, as reported by the browser; 2 character format.us
Event URLStringURL of the current event (e.g. page visit, impression shown).http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/23/sports/soccer/david-moyes-out-as-head-of-manchester-united.html?ref=international
Site DomainStringHostname of the event URL.www.nytimes.com
Referer URLStringFull referer URL of the page visited before an event.http://www.nytimes.com/pages/sports/international/index.html 
SizeStringThe size of the placement / creative served.728x90
Publisher IDIntegerThe platform specific ID of the Publisher Member; only available when the event was an impression or click.123456
Site IDIntegerThe platform specific ID of the Site belonging to a Publisher Member; only available when the event was an impression or click.123456
Placement IDIntegerThe platform specific ID of the Placement; only available when the event was an impression or click.123456
Advertiser IDIntegerThe platform specific ID of the Advertiser; only available when the event was an impression or click.123456 - Mapped to string when available.
Insertion Order IDIntegerThe platform specific ID of the Insertion Order; only available when the event was an impression or click.123456
Line Item IDIntegerThe platform specific ID of the Line Item; only available when the event was an impression or click.123456
Campaign IDIntegerThe platform specific ID of the Campaign; only available when the event was an impression or click.123456
Creative IDIntegerThe platform specific ID of the Creative; only available when the event was an impression or click.123456 - Mapped to string when available.
Record CountIntegerReturns the total number of records in the data set.224.550
ImpressionsIntegerReturns the total number of impression events.113.600
ClicksIntegerReturns the total number of click events.285
Pixel LoadsIntegerReturns the total number of pixel events.113.885
Unique UsersIntegerReturns the total number of unique users who where responsible for the event(s).54.336
Media CostsDoubleReturns the actual sum of costs paid for impression events to the platform.230,50
Bid PriceDoubleReturns the average bid price for impression events.0,33
Clear PriceDoubleReturns the average clear price for impression events.0,21
Ad Mouse-Over TimeDoubleReturns the average time (in seconds) a user hovered over an ad.1 (serves as a filter)
Onsite - Time SpentDoubleOnsite engagement measure; only available when the event type is an interaction and the interaction type is 5. Returns the average time (in seconds) a user spent on the event URL page.1 (serves as a filter)
Onsite - Form FocusDoubleOnsite engagement measure; only available when the event type is an interaction and the interaction type is 12. Returns the value 1 if a user interacted with a web form on the event URL page.1 (serves as a filter)
Onsite - Form ClickDoubleOnsite engagement measure; only available when the event type is an interaction and the interaction type is 13. Returns the value 1 if a user clicked on a specific field within a web form on the event URL page.1 (serves as a filter)
Onsite - Form KeydownDoubleOnsite engagement measure; only available when the event type is an interaction and the interaction type is 14. Returns the value 1 if a user entered one or more characters in an entry field, checked a box, or hit a radio button within a web form on the event URL page.1 (serves as a filter)
Onsite - Scroll DownDoubleOnsite engagement measure; only available when the event type is an interaction and the interaction type is 8. Returns the average percentage a user scrolled down. 1 (serves as a filter)