

Within Data Collection you have the option to choose which data you’d like to collect through our pixels.

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An On-Site pixel module can be described as an optional and predefined module (script) that runs on top of the default code in order to track specific user interactions and/or capture meaningful data attributes. Once enabled, it will automatically be added to the On-Site pixel code which initiates the execution of it without the interference of a developer or without the need to change the implemented code. An overview of the various modules as well as the corresponding categories can be found below.


Interaction TrackingTime On PageCaptures the time a user has been on any given webpage up to 3 minutes with the following intervals; 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 seconds.Yes
Interaction TrackingPage ScrollCaptures the scroll depth on any given webpage up to 100% with the following intervals; 10, 25, 50, 75, 100 percent.Yes
Interaction TrackingWebform InteractionsCaptures whether the user has interacted with any webform on any given webpage.Yes
User DataWebform Input*Captures and stores the value a user has entered in any webform on any given webpage after an inactivity of 3 milliseconds.No
User DataBrowser DataCaptures and stores the screensize of the monitor and browser (dimensions: width and height) as well as some other attributes.No
User DataUser DetailsCaptures and stores the user agent.No
User DataHashed Email

Captures and stores the email address entered by a user anywhere on the webpage (based on 'at-sign' identification). The address will be stored in 3 hashed formats; MD5, SHA1 and SHA256.

Common Identifier

The hashed email address could serve as a common identifier to unify CRM data with behavioural on-site data.

User DataHashed Phone Number

Captures and stores the phone number entered by a user anywhere on the webpage. The number will be stored in 3 hashed formats; MD5, SHA1 and SHA256.

Common Identifier

The hashed email address could serve as a common identifier to unify CRM data with behavioural on-site data.

Website DataAverage Price on Page

Captures and stores the average price of products in a shopping cart.

How does it work?

We scan the visible elements on the page for one of the following strings: '€', '£', 'EUR', 'USD', 'GBP', '$'. We identify the string that occurs most and then scan the page again for that string followed by any number with or without a decimal. The decimal point can be both '.' and ','. Then we take the first 100 matches and strip and attempt to parse them as a number (so remove any formatting). Then if the number is higher then 0.01 and lower then 100000 we add it to the total price of the page. Then as a last step we determine the avarage by dividing the total by the number of prices we have summed.

Website DataClicked Elements

Captures and stores the click-interactions with elements that are identifiable on a webpage.

How does it work?

We track clicks on any element on the page and store the following string '<elementname id=id_of_the_element class="class_of_the_element">fist_100_characters_of_text_in_the_element'. Please note that we cannot track clicks inside iFrames so a click on an iframe will be tracked but it will not send the specific unless the iframe is on the same domain of the page.

Website DataCommon WordsCaptures and stores the top 8 common words on a given webpage. The module applies auto-determination based on a general word count.No
Website DataQubit Universal VariableCaptures and stores the ID of the Qubit Universal Variable retrieved from the Qubit pixel that should be implemented on the website as well.No
Website DataGoogle Analytics EcommerceCaptures and stores the Order ID and Total Revenue value retrieved from the Google Analytics Ecommerce pixel that should be implemented on the website as well.No
Website DataURL Parameters

Captures and stores the key and value from any URL parameter that is part of the event URL.

How does it work?

At the time the On-Site Pixel fires on a certain wegpage of which the event_url includes URL parameters it will parse the part after the question mark and automatically stores the key and value of the detected attributes. Given the following example URL it will thus store 3 additional custom attributes (utm_source, utm_medium and utm_campaign): http://mapp.com/landingpage?utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=brand_awareness.

This reflects additional and conditional modules that are only relevant when certain integrations are activated.No
*Please note that the Webform Input module will collect and store every value that have been entered in any webform on the given website. This may result in the collection of Personal Identifiable Information (PII), such as the full name, address, phone number or even all credit card details. Therefore, be careful with enabling this module and always ask the client for permission or check the legal implications first.

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