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Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | Y | The name for the creative. |
width | int | N | The width in pixels. |
height | int | N | The height in pixels. |
click_url | string | N | The (optional) landing page URL for non-3rd party image and flash creatives. Note: This value must be a valid URL and begin with "http://" or "https://" |
media_url | string | N | The URL of the creative - can be image, flash, HTML, JavaScript. URL must exist and should be on a CDN or equivalent. |
flash_backup_url | string | N | For a flash creative, this is the URL of a 3rd-party creative that will be served if the user's browser does not support flash. For an in-banner video creative, this is the URL of the poster image that will display before users click play and after the video has finished playing. |
file_name | string | N | The file name and extension for a hosted creative. Allowed file types: jpg, gif, png, swf, flv, mp4, wmv, f4v, avi, m4v, mov, and mpg. |
content | string | N | Javascript or HTML content. For a hosted creative, the content of the file must be base64-encoded and submitted as a string. |
content_secure | string | N | Javascript or HTML content when served on a secure ad call. |
original_content | string | N | Same as content, but not unmodified by AppNexus. |
track_clicks | boolean | N | Must be set to true for AppNexus to track clicks. Default: true |
click_track_result | string | N | Default: passed |
audit_status | string | N | The audit status of the creative. Possible values: "no_audit", "pending", "rejected", or "audited". Default: pending |
allow_ssl_audit | boolean | N | If true, the creative will be submitted for secure (https) auditing. If false, the creative will not be submitted. If true, either media_url_secure or content_secure is required as well. Default: true |
flash_click_variable | string | N | The ClickTag variable in a Flash creative. AppNexus can execute and track user clicks on a Flash creative only if you provide the exact variable in the file (clickTAG, ClickTag, Clicktag, etc). Default: ClickTag |
pixels | array | N | The pixels to serve with the creative. They can be for external impression tracking, external click tracking, or other purposes. |
template | int | N | Will be auto determined to 3 if the extension is .swf HTML = 1 |
format | string | N | url-html, url-js, iframe-html, raw-html, raw-js |
campaigns | array | N | array with ids, [{id:1},{id:2}] |
Same as POST
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | int | Y | The internal ID associated with the creative. |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | int | Y | The internal ID associated with the creative. |