Export GDPR

Export GDPR

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How to get GDPR data for a user

  1. Retrieve the uuid or encrypted uuid for the user
  2. Send a curl request with x parameter either having uuid or uuid-encrypt, but not both. Please see the cURL examples below
  3. To retrieve the status of your user-data export please check Batch Export
  4. Go to DMP>Menu>Analytics>Exports to download the exported user data
  5. Please check Log Format to understand the values in data.
  6. You can also request this API using Playground. In the Data field enter x in key and the Json object in value 

Get GDPR data for a UUID






Value Type
xJSON Objectyesthis JSON Object should contain either the uuid or uuid-encrypt
dmc_customer_idintnothis optional parameter allows the user to override the customer used for the export, when the user has DMC admin permissions
compactstringnowhen this is set to "1", only the columns flx_uuid, flx_user_ip, flx_geo_lat and flx_geo_long are exported

Example cURL


curl -X POST \
-F 'x={"uuid":"a505f949-103c-4105-7486-23ed79d7bc5a"}&compact=1' \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'X-Auth: es5a88dmlpktb5t6k9eifm6Pqjd0l70otkm1p2dv6g13h3h2thkptomb3k8dqe3ms3Xvorgr72h99uec0n92mf9hki9d23aprtsmds3' \
-H 'X-CSRF: 14f61670139eb434adf7f148bbea1a30'


Example Response

Error rendering macro 'code': Invalid value specified for parameter 'lang'
    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "ids": ["55363"],
        "id": "55363"
    "audit": {
        "user": "Garima Chaturvedi",
        "user_id": "100",
        "cluster_id": "8",
        "customer_id": "11"
    "debug": {
        "parsetime": "1,045.404911",
        "now": "2018-05-02 18:25:42"


Get GDPR data for an Encrypted UUID






Value Type
xJSON Objectyesthis JSON Object should contain either the uuid or uuid-encrypt
dmc_customer_idintnothis optional parameter allows the user to override the customer used for the export, when the user has DMC admin permissions
compactstringnowhen this is set to "1", only the columns flx_uuid, flx_user_ip, flx_geo_lat and flx_geo_long are exported


Example cURL


curl -X POST \
F 'x={"uuid-encrypt":"AIXi6xq7zWbn17GIyi05BlsGWs5IkUCvTgj2gPXRFBgvTDczW4gF1g=="}' \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'X-Auth: es5a88dmlpktb5t6k9eifm6Pqjd0l70otkm1p2dv6g13h3h2thkptomb3k8dqe3ms3Xvorgr72h99uec0n92mf9hki9d23aprtsmds3' \
-H 'X-CSRF: 14f61670139eb434adf7f148bbea1a30'


Example Response

Error rendering macro 'code': Invalid value specified for parameter 'lang'
    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "ids": ["55363"],
        "id": "55363"
    "audit": {
        "user": "Garima Chaturvedi",
        "user_id": "100",
        "cluster_id": "8",
        "customer_id": "11"
    "debug": {
        "parsetime": "1,045.404911",
        "now": "2018-05-02 18:25:42"


Other X parameter options


The X parameter can have few other settings as follows:


Error rendering macro 'code': Invalid value specified for parameter 'lang'
    "uuid": "a5098949-103c-4b38-7486-23ed79d7ae5a",
    "column_headers": 1,
    "column_separator": ",",
    "callback_id": "",
    "order": [
            "key": "flx_timestamp",
            "order": "asc"



  1. "'x' parameter not found, please check the documentation." : x parameter is missing from request

  2. "'x' parameter does not contain valid JSON, please check the documentation." : The json is malformed. Here is a valid json 

    "uuid": "a5098949-103c-4b38-7486-23ed79d7ae5a" 

  3.  "'x' parameter must contain either uuid or uuid-encrypt, please check the documentation." :  The field uuid or uuid-encrypt is missing from the x paramater value OR the value is an array of JSON Objects and contains more than one uuid or uuid-encrypt.

  4.  "The value for uuid is incorrect, please check the documentation." : A valid uuid looks like this "a5098949-103c-4b38-7486-23ed79d7ae5a"

  5. "The value for uuid-encrypt is incorrect, please check the documentation." : A valid uuid-encrypt looks like this "AIXi6xq7zWbn17GIyi05BlsGWs5IkUCvTgj2gPXRFBgvTDczW4gF1g=="

  6. "No customer found for DMC customer DMC_CUSTOMER_ID"