Inbox SDK Integration for Android
The following document describes how to integrate the Android SDK to support Inbox Messaging. For Inbox and In-App action handling, see Android Inbox and In-App Action Handling.
In-App and Inbox Messaging for Mapp Cloud Integrated are only available with Android SDK v5.0+
Call to fetch the inbox messages
Callback for the inbox messages received in an Activity.
InAppInboxCallback inAppInboxCallback = new InAppInboxCallback();
inAppInboxCallback.addInAppInboxMessagesReceivedCallback(new InAppInboxCallback.onInAppInboxMessagesReceived() {
public void onInAppInboxMessages(List<APXInboxMessage> richMessages) {
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//Just because we are receiving this callback from a background thread, if you need to update the UI anyhow, Please do that in the main thread.
//null in case of empty list.
public void onInAppInboxMessage(final APXInboxMessage message) {
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//Just because we are receiving this callback from a background thread, if you need to update the UI anyhow, Please do that in the main thread.
//null in case of empty message object.
public class APXInboxMessage implements Serializable {
private String eventId;
private int templateId;
private String content;
private String subject;
private String summary;
private String iconUrl;
private String status;
private List<ApxInAppExtras> extras;
private Date sentDate;
private Date expirationDate;
public enum MESSAGE_STATUS{
private Context mContext;
private static Logger devLog = LoggerFactory.getDevLogger();
private final String DEEPLINK = "deepLink";
private final String CUSTOM = "custom";
private final String INBOX = "inbox";
private final String APP_STORE = "appStore";
private final String LANDING_PAGE = "landingPage";
private final String APX_ACTION = "apxAction";
private Map<String, List<String>> queryPairs;
private final String APX_DEEPLINK_STRING = "apx://deeplink?link=";
private final String APX_CUSTOM_DEEPLINK_STRING = "apx://custom?link=";
private final String APX_INBOX_DEEPLINK_STRING = "apx://inbox?message_id=";
private final String APX_LAUNCH_DEEPLINK_ACTION = "com.appoxee.VIEW_DEEPLINK";
private final String APX_LAUNCH_CUSTOM_ACTION = "com.appoxee.VIEW_CUSTOM_LINKS";
private final String APX_LAUNCH_INBOX_ACTION = "com.appoxee.VIEW_INBOX";
public Date getSentDate() {
return sentDate;
public void setSentDate (Date sentDate) {
this.sentDate = sentDate;
public Date getExpirationDate() {
return expirationDate;
public void setExpirationDate (Date expirationDate) {
this.expirationDate = expirationDate;
public String getEventId() {
return eventId;
public int getTemplateId() {
return templateId;
public String getContent() {
return content;
public String getSubject() {
return subject;
public String getSummary() {
return summary;
public String getIconUrl() {
return iconUrl;
public String getStatus() {
return status;
public void setEventId(String eventId) {
this.eventId = eventId;
public void setTemplateId(int templateId) {
this.templateId = templateId;
public void setContent(String content) {
this.content = content;
public void setSubject(String subject) {
this.subject = subject;
public void setSummary(String summary) {
this.summary = summary;
public void setIconUrl(String iconUrl) {
this.iconUrl = iconUrl;
public void setStatus(String status) {
this.status = status;
public List<ApxInAppExtras> getExtras() {
return extras;
public void setExtras(List<ApxInAppExtras> extras) {
this.extras = extras;
public void markAsRead(Context context) {
Appoxee.instance().triggerStatistcs(context, UiUtils.getInAppStatisticsRequestObject(this.templateId,
InAppStatistics.INBOX_INBOX_MESSAGE_READ_KEY, null,null,null));
public void markAsUnRead(Context context) {
Appoxee.instance().triggerStatistcs(context, UiUtils.getInAppStatisticsRequestObject(this.templateId,
InAppStatistics.INBOX_INBOX_MESSAGE_UNREAD_KEY, null,null,null));
public void markAsDeleted(Context context) {
Appoxee.instance().triggerStatistcs(context, UiUtils.getInAppStatisticsRequestObject(this.templateId,
InAppStatistics.INBOX_INBOX_MESSAGE_DELETED_KEY, null,null,null));
public boolean handleAction(String url, Context ctx, WebView webview){
//This is the Sdk method to handle the deeplinks.
When the list of messages are received:Â
Populate the list in your own recyclerView and give the screen your own look and feel
Once your view is ready add a touch listener and get
 To your webView add CustomWebViewClient and pass in theÂ
Push + Inbox Support
<key, value>
<apx_inbox, messageId>
Inside your Inbox Activity get the action
Get the Inbox message Object corresponding to the message id thats received in the push inside the following callback.