Show Notification Permission Alert Dialog

Show Notification Permission Alert Dialog

During Option 1 - Automated Integration In iOS App of auto integration of Mapp SDK is chosen 2.2 option, then the developer can trigger alert dialog for notification permission whenever he wants.




[[Appoxee shared] showNotificationAlertDialog];


The ability to postpone the prompt to the user to opt-in to notifications.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { [[Appoxee shared] setPostponeNotificationRequest:YES]; // call this method, prior to any Appoxee call, to not show the approve notifications alert by the operating system. [[Appoxee shared] engageAndAutoIntegrateWithLaunchOptions:launchOptions andDelegate:nil]; return YES; }


To request notifications permissions, call setPostponeNotificationRequest:NO


For Android 13 and newer it is required to request runtime permission POST_NOTIFICATION to be able to display notification UI.