Opt-in/Opt-out methods within your app's setting screen, so the user can switch on/off option of receiving Push Notifications. The notification permission (to let user to allow or disallow receiving Push Notifications) is called in the 'engage' function by the first launch.
// Disable & Enable
[[Appoxee shared] disablePushNotifications:booleanArgument withCompletionHandler:^(NSError *appoxeeError, id data) {
if (!appoxeeError) {
// operation was successful.
// State (enabled or disabled)
[[Appoxee shared] isPushEnabled:^(NSError *appoxeeError, id data) {
if (!appoxeeError) {
BOOL state = [(NSNumber *)data boolValue];
Appoxee.shared()?.disablePushNotifications(booleanArgument, withCompletionHandler: { (appoxeeError, data) in
if appoxeeError == nil {
// Operation was successful.
Appoxee.shared()?.isPushEnabled({ (appoxeeError, data) in
if appoxeeError == nil {
let isEnabled = data as? NSNumber
//Sets whether push notification are to be sent to the device
public RequestStatus setPushEnabled(boolean isPushEnabled)
//Checks whether push notification are to be sent to the device
public boolean isPushEnabled()