Badges with Push Notifications

Badges with Push Notifications

Prerequisites [iOS]
Badge support for iOS Push Notifications is available with iOS SDK v5.0.2+. 

Prerequisites [Android]
Badge support for Android Push Notifications is available with Android SDK v5.0.2.

Marketers can send a specified badge number or increment on the existing badge count (if one is stored) when sending a push notification. When creating a push notification, marketers can indicate if they want to include a specific badge number or increment on the existing badge count when sending the notification. If a badge count is not currently saved, the specified badge number or a value of 1 (if marketer chooses "incremental") will be displayed on the app icon when the push notification is received on the device. If a badge count is currently saved, the count will be increased by the specified badge number or a value of 1 when the push notification is received on the device. 

Currently, there is no support for In-App or Inbox badge counts at this time. Marketers cannot send a badge count without a push notification. 

Reset Badge Count

As part of the SDK, the badge count is reset to 0 as the stored value when the user opens the application.

Developers can set the badge count to 0 at any time using the native iOS functions: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/usernotifications/unnotificationcontent/1649864-badge

[[UIApplication sharedApplication]setApplicationIconBadgeNumber:0];
UIApplication.shared.applicationIconBadgeNumber = 0

Developers can set the badge count to 0 at any time using the following function available in the SDK:


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