Step B: Enable Android Channel in Mapp Cloud

Step B: Enable Android Channel in Mapp Cloud

The setup of the Android Channel in Mapp Cloud is completed by a Mapp Project Manager or Implementation Manager. 

Step 1 - Creation of the Mobile Account in the Mapp Cloud Infrastructure

For this step, the Mapp Project Manager or Implementation Manager will setup the account administration in the Mapp Cloud infrastructure. This account is linked to the Mapp Engage system(s).

Step 2 - Creation of the Channel Addresses for each Mobile App in the Mapp Engage system

Once The Mapp Project Manager or Implementation Manager will create a Mobile App channels for each of your production and development apps. 

Please provide the Mapp resource with the Cloud Messaging API / Server Key.

Procedure for creating channel is in the following table:





  1. Go to main menu, Administration and click on Channels option.

2. Enter channel name and description. Name must be unique (in case when having multiple channels). Then go Next.


3. On the next page, FCM Credentials key must be provided. FCM Key is deprecated by Google and disabled after June, 2024.

FCM Credentials is service account key from Firebase Project. Open firebase project, then go to Project Overview, Project Settings. Select the Service Accounts, and locate Generate new private key button. Click on the button to generate new service key. Key will be created and downloaded. Open downloaded file and copy content of the JSON file, and paste it into the FCM Credentials text field.

Select the environment, and add sound names included in Android project resources (including extensions), that can be used as notification sounds.

Localized buttons can also be created in this step, also.

At the end, enable the required features: InApp and Push messages.

Click on the Next.




4. On the summary page, review configuration and if everything is OK, click Save, and when changes are saved, click Activate button to activate that new channel.


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