Custom Fields and Tags

Custom Fields and Tags

Test coverage: 

This test will confirm the following:

The test will be divided into 2 parts:

  • Basic test which is monitoring the API call when an alias is created.
  • Advanced test using a segment creation.

Basic Test procedure:

Note: The majority of Tags & Custom fields implementation is done when the application is launched for the first time. other available ways to assign tags is through using the FTP API.

  • Make sure Charles ,or a sniffer tool of your choice, is configured and running on your computer.
  • Open your application for the first time.

Expected results:

The following requests and their respective responses should be successfully reported by Charles.

Each request should return a response code of 200 indicating the call was successful.

Example for Set Tags & Set Custom fields API Calls:


Advanced Test procedure:

  • During this test we will create a segment for each custom field that was added to your application and for tags which your application assigns each device when it is registered,
  • Prepare a list of all custom fields that you have configured in your application code, make sure these fields were added to your application settings within Appoxee UI as seen below:

  • Create a segment for each one of your custom fields and tags, you can use the steps mention in the "Create a Segment for a Test Device" procedure (it is also possible to edit the segment each time changing the setup definitions and saving it).
    below please find an example how to setup a segment based on a custom string field. 

    • Send your device a Push notification, use the custom fields within the message content by Setting up "Custom Fields"
    • Confirm the following:
        1. The format of your custom fields are exactly the same as in your app. For example, the parameter "F_name" will be configured in the same format in the app's settings (in the dashboard) and in the app's code.
        2. You have defined the custom fields according to the correct custom field type: numeric, date, string, boolean (for tags).

Expected result:

    • Verify that Installs and Push Enabled are updated to 1.

    • The content of the Push notification when presented on your device includes the custom filed data. 




[Appoxee Debug] Starting custom fields update operation...
[Appoxee Debug] Custom fields update operation completed.


[Appoxee Debug] Starting custom fields fetch operation...
[Appoxee Debug] Custom fields fetch operation completed. Cached value was fetched.



Starting tags update operation...
[Appoxee Debug] Fetching Tags...
[Appoxee Debug] Completed fetching Tags.
[Appoxee Debug] Added tag 'TAG_NAME' to device tags
[Appoxee Debug] Updating tags operation completed.
[Appoxee Debug] Fetching Tags...
[Appoxee Debug] Completed fetching Tags.
[Appoxee Debug] Fetching Tags...
[Appoxee Debug] Completed fetching Tags.



setAttributesJSON SET API: action : {"key":"a999b65a149ab8d9","actions":{"set":{"Key":"Value"}}}

Custom attribute name - "Key"

Custom Attribute value - "Value"