Feedback Module

Feedback Module

Test coverage: 

This test covers the "feedback" functionality within your app.

Testing procedure:

  • You will need to integrate and configure the 'Feedback' feature within your application first, the following article can assist you in with this task: Configure 'Feedback' and 'More apps' features
  • Confirm that In Appoxee dashboard within your Application settings "allow User Feedback" option is checked (as seen below) 
  • Confirm that your app is in the Apple app store/ Google Play store.
  • From your application fill up a feedback survey and submit it.

Expected result:

  • Go into Applications in the  Appoxee dashboard, your new feedback should be presented as seen below.
  • Click on the 'user Feedback' and review that the feedback reflects the information you filled when submitting it from your application.

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