Landing Page (URL)

Landing Page (URL)

Test coverage: 

This test will confirm the following:

  • Sending a Landing Page via a Push notification successfully. 
  • Landing Page is Launched when Push notification is opened.

Testing procedure:

  • Connect your Device to your computer using the proper USB cable.
  • Depending on your type of device launch the proper tool (Xcode for iOS or Android Visual Studio for Android). 
  • Follow the  Adding a Landing Page to a Message procedure, make sure to use your test device segment.

  • Click on the Push notification once it is received on your device.

Expected result:

  • When Push notification is opened, the Landing page should be launched onto your screen using the default web browser.

Example of device logs:

Within Xcode\Visual studio you can see that the message is received with the landing page you have indicated and is opened as seen in the Android logs example below:

12-15 10:41:49.624 18704-19483/com.appoxee.example D/Appoxee SDK v2.5.6﹕ Received: Bundle[{push_description=Testing Landing Page, apx_url=www.appoxee.com, p=222248534, from=423433911434, alert=Testing Landing Page, android.support.content.wakelockid=1, collapse_key=222248534}]

12-15 10:41:56.884 19495-19495/com.appoxee.example D/Appoxee SDK v2.5.6﹕ InboxMessage onReceive: Calling OpenInboxMsg().execute()
12-15 10:41:57.164 19495-19529/com.appoxee.example D/Appoxee SDK v2.5.6﹕ OpenInboxMsg: open appoxee_base_url = http://www.appoxee.com
12-15 10:41:57.174 19495-19495/com.appoxee.example I/AppoxeeSDK﹕ Loading Message(222171386)
12-15 10:41:57.174 19495-19495/com.appoxee.example I/AppoxeeSDK﹕ Loading Message(222171386)
12-15 10:41:57.194 19495-19512/com.appoxee.example D/Appoxee SDK v2.5.6﹕ markMessageAsReadWrap doInBackground
12-15 10:41:57.204 19495-19512/com.appoxee.example D/Appoxee SDK v2.5.6﹕ markMessageAsReadWrap doInBackground Locking