Deep-Linking with iOS SDK 4.0.14 or later for Appoxee Standalone

Deep-Linking with iOS SDK 4.0.14 or later for Appoxee Standalone

Deep-linking is a type of action that can be triggered when the user open the push notification. It provides the ability to open a specific page within the app.

  • Make sure that the developer understand that they need to define a URL scheme

Appoxee SDK will trigger deep linking in the same manner the iOS will trigger deep linking (Using URL Schemes to Communicate with Apps).

Deep linking can be sent using the following:

Example on how to use the sent key in Appoxee iOS SDK is mentioned below:


AppDelegate.m   #pragma mark - Schemes   - (void)appoxee:(nonnull Appoxee *)appoxee handledRemoteNotification:(nonnull APXPushNotification *)pushNotification andIdentifer:(nonnull NSString *)actionIdentifier {   // Here the special field will be received in extra parameters in "pushNotification" NSLog(@"URL - %@", [pushNotification.extraFields objectForKey:@"apx_dpl"]); }    


#pragma mark - Schemes   func appoxee(_ appoxee: Appoxee, handledRemoteNotification pushNotification: APXPushNotification, andIdentifer actionIdentifier: String) { // Here the special field will be received in extra parameters in "pushNotification" print("URL - \(pushNotification.extraFields["apx_dpl"])") }

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