Receive Push Payload for Appoxee Standalone

Receive Push Payload for Appoxee Standalone

Used in order to receive the payload of the notification


@interface AppDelegate () <AppoxeeNotificationDelegate> @end @implementation AppDelegate #pragma mark - AppoxeeDelegate - (void)appoxeeManager:(AppoxeeManager *)manager handledRemoteNotification:(APXPushNotification *)pushNotification andIdentifer:(NSString *)actionIdentifier { // a push notification was received. } - (void)appoxeeManager:(AppoxeeManager *)manager handledRichContent:(APXRichMessage *)richMessage didLaunchApp:(BOOL)didLaunch { // a rich message was received. }



class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, AppoxeeNotificationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? func appoxee(appoxee: Appoxee, handledRemoteNotification pushNotification: APXPushNotification, andIdentifer actionIdentifier: String) { // a push notification was received. } func appoxee(appoxee: Appoxee, handledRichContent richMessage: APXRichMessage, didLaunchApp didLaunch: Bool) { // a rich message was received. } }