Deep-Linking with iOS SDK 2.3 to 4.0.13 for Appoxee Standalone

Deep-Linking with iOS SDK 2.3 to 4.0.13 for Appoxee Standalone

Deep-linking is a type of action that can be triggered when the user open the push notification. It provides the ability to open a specific page within the app.

For iOS SDK 2.3 to 4.0.13, it is necessary to create code to open the desired page within the app. To do so, the developer and the marketer must agree on an extra field key and value(s) that can be used to specify which page to open.

The extra field can be received in the methods listed below and appropriate code created to open the desired page.

See example below:


@interface AppDelegate () <AppoxeeNotificationDelegate> @end @implementation AppDelegate #pragma mark - AppoxeeDelegate - (void)appoxeeManager:(AppoxeeManager *)manager handledRemoteNotification:(APXPushNotification *)pushNotification andIdentifer:(NSString *)actionIdentifier { // a push notification was received. } - (void)appoxeeManager:(AppoxeeManager *)manager handledRichContent:(APXRichMessage *)richMessage didLaunchApp:(BOOL)didLaunch { // a rich message was received. }



class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, AppoxeeNotificationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? func appoxee(appoxee: Appoxee, handledRemoteNotification pushNotification: APXPushNotification, andIdentifer actionIdentifier: String) { // a push notification was received. } func appoxee(appoxee: Appoxee, handledRichContent richMessage: APXRichMessage, didLaunchApp didLaunch: Bool) { // a rich message was received. } }

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