Using Dynamic text in Push Message API
Please find below an example of adding dynamic text into the "push_body":
in this example 3 custom fields were defined for the app and assigned value for every user through the integration:
FirstName - A custom string field
LastPurchase - A custom date field
Balance - A custom numeric field
The format of adding dynamic text is: {Field_Name-Format}
The list of formats for the different types can be found below the example
"push_body": "Hi {FirstName-firstCap}, you haven't purchased since {LastPurchase-MMM d} and you still have {Balance-currency}"
Sting formats:
caps - This switch capitalizes the first letter of each word
firstCap - This switch capitalizes the first letter of the first word
upper - This switch capitalizes all letters uppercase
lower - All letters are lowercase
Numeric formats:
curreny - Example $2,456,800
comma - Example 10,000,000
regular - Example 1000
Date formats:
M/d/y - Example: 1/22/14
M/d/yyyy - Example: 1/22/2014
MMM d yyyy - Example: Jan 22 2014
MMM d - Example" Jan 22
E - Example: Sunday
E MMM d - Example: Sunday Jan 22
E MMM d yyyy - Example: Sunday Jan 22 2014
E MMMM d yyyy - Example: Sunday January 22 2014
h:mm a - Example: 7:08 AM
h:mm:ss a - Example: 7:08:09 AM
H:mm - Example: 22:35
MMM d yyyy h:mm a - Example: Jan 22 2014 7:08 AM
E h:mm a - Example: Sunday 7:08 AM
E MMM d h:mm a - Example: Sunday Jan 22 7:08 AM
E MMMM d yyyy h:mm a - Example: Sunday Jan 22 2014 7:08 AM
E MMMM d yyyy h:mm a - Example: Sunday January 22 2014 7:08 AM
M/d/y h:mm a - Example: 1/22/14 7:08 AM
M/d/yyyy h:mm a - Example: 1/22/2014 7:08 AM
days_ago - Example: 1 day ago (in 3 days)