Xamarin Rich Push Integration for Android

Xamarin Rich Push Integration for Android

The following document describes how to integrate the Xamarin Android plugin to support Rich Push. 

1. Need to have a Firebase project for your Android app
2. Need to have google-services.json into your project

In order to integrate your app with the Rich Push, you will need to add the following action like intent-filter for an appropriate activity to the Android Manifest File:

<action android:name="com.mapp.RICH_PUSH" />


<intent-filter> <action android:name = "com.mapp.RICH_PUSH" /> </intent-filter>

Need to have the following method call added onCreate method to the appropriate activity:

EngageApoxee.HandleRichPush(this, this.Intent);

On the corresponding app page where a Rich Push is expected, call the following method in onNewIntent():

EngageApoxee.HandleRichPush(this, intent);


protected override void OnNewIntent(Intent intent) { base.OnNewIntent(intent); EngageApoxee.HandleRichPush(this, intent); }

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