This setup explains how to setup iOS app on Appoxee Dashboard.
To create an iOS app in Appoxee, take the following steps:
- Log in to your Appoxee account.
- Click on the Apps tab and select Add Application.
3. Under Application Information, select the iOS icon ().
You can now define your iOS app details.
4. Under Appstore ID, enter the application id received from app store after uploading the application. This is an optional field.
5. Enter your AppName.
If you intend to use different apps for your Development and Production environments, it is recommended to enter an app name that indicates the environment type (for example, "MyApp-Dev" and "MyApp-Prod").
6. To enable the Appoxee in-app inbox on your app, check Allow Inbox + Rich messages. (Feature available in SDK v4.0)
7. Click Create App.
Appoxee generates your SDK Key and Secret Key and allows you to define additional app properties.
8. Now to send the notifications to the device, upload push certificate generated from developer apple account to dashboard.
Please make sure the certificate uploaded is correct as per development and production environments. In case of wrong/expired certificate no pushes will be received on device.