Test coverage:
This test covers sending a Deep Link using a Push notification and having that link open once clicking the Push notification.
Testing procedure:
- Connect your Device to your computer using the proper USB cable
- Depending on your type of device launch the proper tool (Xcode for iOS or Android Visual Studio for Android).
follow the using Deep Linking procedure, make sure to use your test device segment.
- Click on the Push notification once it is received on your device
Expected result:
- After you have clicked on the Push notification, the application should be opened with the deep link indicated in your message.
- Within Xcode\Visual studio you can see that the message is received with the Deep Link you have indicated as seen in the Android logs example below:
12-15 11:03:56.156 19495-20957/com.appoxee.example D/Appoxee SDK v2.5.6﹕ MessageIntentHandler Extra Bundle : Bundle[{push_description=Testing Deep Linking, apx_dpl=example://, p=222303872, from=423433911434, alert=Testing Deep Linking, android.support.content.wakelockid=1, collapse_key=222303872}]
12-15 11:03:56.156 19495-20957/com.appoxee.example D/Appoxee SDK v2.5.6﹕ MessageIntentHandler Extra Bundle : Bundle[{push_description=Testing Deep Linking, apx_dpl=example://, p=222303872, from=423433911434, alert=Testing Deep Linking, android.support.content.wakelockid=1, collapse_key=222303872}]
12-15 11:03:56.156 19495-20957/com.appoxee.example D/Appoxee SDK v2.5.6﹕ Value is String for Key : p_from_killed
12-15 11:03:56.156 19495-20957/com.appoxee.example D/Appoxee SDK v2.5.6﹕ Value is String for Key : p_from_killed
12-15 11:03:56.156 19495-20957/com.appoxee.example D/Appoxee SDK v2.5.6﹕ Success saving in Configuration, Key = p_from_killed, Value =222303872
12-15 11:03:56.156 19495-20957/com.appoxee.example D/Appoxee SDK v2.5.6﹕ Success saving in Configuration, Key = p_from_killed, Value =222303872
12-15 11:03:56.156 19495-20957/com.appoxee.example D/Appoxee SDK v2.5.6﹕ aPushParam : Testing Deep Linking
12-15 11:03:56.166 19495-20957/com.appoxee.example D/Appoxee SDK v2.5.6﹕ SendCustomNotification : description=Testing Deep Linking
12-15 11:03:56.166 19495-20957/com.appoxee.example D/Appoxee SDK v2.5.6﹕ SendCustomNotification : extras=Bundle[{push_description=Testing Deep Linking, messageId=222303872, apx_rp={"Subject":{"text":"Appoxee Test App"},"Desc":{"text":"Testing Deep Linking"},"noLines":2}, hasMessage=false, apx_dpl=example://, p=222303872, from=423433911434, alert=Testing Deep Linking, PushOpenIntentService.activityName=com.appoxee.example.AppoxeeExampleActivity, android.support.content.wakelockid=1, collapse_key=222303872}]
12-15 11:03:56.216 19495-20957/com.appoxee.example D/Appoxee SDK v2.5.6﹕ Received: Bundle[{push_description=Testing Deep Linking, apx_dpl=example://, p=222303872, from=423433911434, alert=Testing Deep Linking, android.support.content.wakelockid=1, collapse_key=222303872}]