This topic covers an automatic integration (basic) where you just need to add one method to your project & plist configuration file.
For manual method that gives you greater control, and lets you override behaviour see Manual Integration - Objective-C or Manual Integration - Swift.
1. Add import statement
Open your AppDelegate.m file, and add the following import statement:
#import <AppoxeeSDK/AppoxeeSDK.h>
Add to your Objective-C bridging header the following import statement
#import <AppoxeeSDK/AppoxeeSDK.h>
2. Create AppoxeeConfig.plist file in your project.
- Enter your SDK Key (SDK Key that was created when your App was configured in the system)
- Set the is_eu flag to YES or NO ( please contact your PS validate which DC you are hosted on)
- NO - Data Center is located in US
- YES - Data Center is located in EU
Please note that if the above flag does not match your DC environment you will see the following error in your Xcode console
[Appoxee Debug] Application Activated [Appoxee Error] Network protocol error with HTTP code: 403 [Appoxee Error] Network protocol error with HTTP code: 403
- If you want landing page to open inside the app, set open_landing_page_inside_app to true
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>sdk</key> <dict> <key>sdk_key</key> <string></string> <key>is_eu</key> <!-- Optional, indicate if Data center is located in EU / US --> <false/> <key>open_landing_page_inside_app</key> <!-- Optional, indicate if landing page should open inside the app or via Safari --> <false/> </dict> </dict> </plist>
Additional Behaviours that can be Applied
Push Permission Auth Dialog:
Please note that the "Request Push notification permission" dialog will be called on first app lunch. In order to show the dialog based on your own logic refer to : Request Notification at Best Time
Handle Foreground Notifications:
From OS 10, you can decided whether notifications will be displayed when app is in the foreground. See details on Handle Foreground Notifications