iOS Inbox and In-App Action Handling

iOS Inbox and In-App Action Handling

iOS SDK Version

The Inbox & In-App Action Handling are supported with iOS SDK 5.0+

This document explains how to handle actions in displayed In App Message and In Box Messages. Action includes button clicks and link clicks on messages. There are 5 type of actions which are handled in SDK.

  1. Dismiss (Supported only in In App Messages) : Dismisses the message from screen

  2. App Store : Opens App store with provided app id

  3. Open Landing Page : Open a url inside/ outside application 

  4. Deep link : Notifies the integrating application with link passed from server

  5. Custom link :  Notifies the integrating application with data passed from server. Data can be a dictionary of keys or a simple string.

Once In App SDK is integrated. The delegate class assigned to the SDK can implement 2 methods to get deep link and custom link clicked.

- (void)didReceiveDeepLinkWithIdentifier:(NSNumber *)identifier withMessageString:(NSString *)message { NSLog(@"%@, %@", identifier, message); } - (void)didReceiveCustomLinkWithIdentifier:(NSNumber *)identifier withMessageString:(NSString *)message { NSLog(@"%@, %@", identifier, message); }

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