Custom Push Builder (since v2.4.1) for Appoxee Standalone

Custom Push Builder (since v2.4.1) for Appoxee Standalone

The Appoxee SDK offers the following methods to display push notifications for Android devices with API Level 16 and above.

  1. The SDK shows a default push notification view

  2. The SDK Uses Android’s BigTextStyle or BigPictureStyle

  3. The SDK Uses a user­defined layout (full custom push notification)

When Using (2) or (3) , it is best practice to put it in a method and call it prior to calling the SDK initAsync method.


BigText Style


Option 1 ‐ without adding additional fields (e.g : custom BigContentTitle and/or SummaryText

Please add a call to the following API after calling new initAsync():


In order to set small (ticker) icon and big (notification) icon, please use the following methods:



newSmallIcon ­ from the R file (e.g R.drawable.newTickerIcon)

bigIconBitmap ­ a Bitmap type variable.

Option 2 use an additional fields : e.g. custom BigContentTitle and/or SummaryText

Please use the following after calling new initAsync():

BigTextStyleNotificationBuilder bigTextStyle = new BigTextStyleNotificationBuilder() ;

bigTextStyle.setBigContentTitle("Testing BigTextTitle");

bigTextStyle.setSummaryText("Testing BigText Summary Text");

AppoxeeManager.setBigTextStyle(bigTextStyle.createBigTextStyle() );

In order to set small (ticker) icon and big (notification) icon, please use the following methods:



newSmallIcon ­ from the R file (e.g R.drawable.newTickerIcon)

bigIconBitmap ­ a Bitmap type variable

You may also use the parameterized Constructor : 

public BigTextStyleNotificationBuilder(CharSequence bigContentTitle,CharSequence summaryText,int smallIconId,Bitmap bigIcon)


BigPicture Style

Option 1 ‐ without adding additional fields (e.g : custom BigContentTitle and/or SummaryText
Please add a call to the following API after calling new initAsync()::


In order to set small (ticker) icon and big (notification) icon, please use the following methods:



newSmallIcon ­ from the R file (e.g R.drawable.newTickerIcon)

bigIconBitmap ­ a Bitmap type variable

Option 2 use an additional fields : e.g. custom BigContentTitle and/or SummaryText and/or an image (Bitmap) as the image in the push notification

Please use the following code after calling new initAsync():
Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),R.drawable.demo_image);

BigPictureStyleNotificationBuilder style = new BigPictureStyleNotificationBuilder();

style.setBigContentTitle("Testing BigPictureTitle");
style.setSummaryText("Test BigPicture Summary Text");



In order to set small (ticker) icon and big (notification) icon, please use the following methods:



newSmallIcon ­ from the R file (e.g R.drawable.newTickerIcon)

bigIconBitmap ­ a Bitmap type variable

You may also use the parameterized Constructor : 

public BigPictureStyleNotificationBuilder(Bitmap bigLargeIcon, Bitmap bigPicture, CharSequence bigContentTitleCharSequence summaryText,int smallIconId)

Resetting Style to default

Please use the following code after new initAsync() was called :


Full Custom Notification Builder

Using this feature requires an XML Layout designed as the custom push layout, for example named here “example_custom_push”.

CustomNotificationBuilder customPushBuilder = new CustomNotificationBuilder();

//These 4 definitions must be set when using full custom notification

customPushBuilder.layout = R.layout.example_custom_push;

customPushBuilder.layoutMessageId = R.id.example_push_message;

customPushBuilder.layoutSubjectId = R.id.example_push_subject;

customPushBuilder.statusBarIconDrawableId = R.drawable.ic_launcher;

//These 2 definitions can be set when using full custom notification,not mandatory.

customPushBuilder.layoutIconDrawableId = R.drawable.ic_launcher;

customPushBuilder.layoutIconId = R.id.example_push_icon;

//Finally to set the custom notification in the AppoxeeManager


Resetting Custom Notification Builder to default (Disabling it)


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