Production Logs for Appoxee Standalone

SDK provides some logs information, logcat contains these logs:


Starting appoxee

05-03 15:49:26.914 32526-32526/com.appoxee.example I/Appoxee: Starting Appoxee

Appoxee service started

05-03 15:50:01.786 32526-1886/com.appoxee.example I/Appoxee: Appoxee service started

Register SuccessFully

05-03 15:50:40.477 32526-1946/com.appoxee.example I/Appoxee: Registration successful

Push message Received

05-03 15:52:45.119 32526-6705/com.appoxee.example I/Appoxee: Push message received PushData{id=231158, title='null', alert='Push text comes here', bigText='null', sound='null', actionUri=null, collapseKey='231158', extraFields={google.message_id=0:1493806957882790%37fb9af958380284, push_description=Push text comes here}}



If google project id not available  No googleProjectId set in options. Push messages will be unavailable

If Appoxee Service not ready Appoxee service not ready



If Google play services not available  Google Play Services GCM library classes not found. Push functionality will be disabled

Error in getting token  Can't get push messages token

Error in creating notification  Can't create notification", exception.getMessage()