Add Appoxee SDK to Android Studio

Android SDK V4.0.0 AAR file which can be downloaded from our download page.

Android Example App V4.0.0 located in the download page contains a full code sample of what is written here.

1. Download the Android SDK V4.0.0 AAR file from the download page.

2. Open the Android Studio and create your application, with minSdkVersion 16.

3. Import the Appoxee SDK aar file, click on File->New->New Module

4. Select "Import .JAR/.AAR Package", click Next

5. Select the Appoxee SDK aar file from the location you have saved it, click Next

6. Add New added Module Dependency 

Go to File->Project Structure->app dependencies

7. Click on + button and choose Module dependency

8. Choose your added module, click OK

9. Gradle project sync start, if it not start, you can sync it using Sync button.

10. Make sure your application build.gradle file include the applicationId attribute for android defaultConfig. Alternately, you can replace ${applicationId} with you application package (e.g Also please add the following dependencies to your app's dependencies section :

app build.gradle
android { ... defaultConfig { applicationId "" //make sure you have this ... } } dependencies { compile '' // 9.2.0 or above compile '' //2.6.2 or above compile '' //use same version 2.11 compile project(':appoxee_sdk_4.0.0') }