Implement the plugin

Call this method as soon as possible in your app initialization process to register the device and receive a push.
The method must be called on every app launch.
Notification methods (pushMessageReceived, richMessageReceived) are only available after this method is called.
@param {string} sdkID - The SDK ID for your account.
@param {string} googleProjectID - The Google project id from your Firebase console for the chosen app.
@param {string} server - The Server, which will be use for engagement, this info will be provided by account managers.
@param {string} tenantID - The ID which recognise you at the Mapp Engage system, will be also provided by account managers.
@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.

MappPlugin.prototype.engage = function (sdkID, appSecret, successCallback, errorCallback) {}

function engage() {
    if (device.platform == "iOS") {

        // No need to engage.
        // Engaging is performed under the hood, by supplying the AppoxeeConfig.plist file.

    } else {

            function (json) {
            function (json) {


Check if the device is registered in Mapp

Returns "true" if registration is completed, "false" if failed or not yet completed.
MappPlugin.prototype.isReady = function (successCallback, errorCallback)


Set device alias

@param {string} alias - A string to be identified as the device alias.
@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
MappPlugin.prototype.setDeviceAlias = function (alias, successCallback, errorCallback) {}

 function setDeviceAlias() {
    MappPlugin.setDeviceAlias("Phonegap Alias",
                                 function (json) {
                                 function (json) {

Get device alias

@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
MappPlugin.prototype.getAlias = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {}

 function getAlias() {
    MappPlugin.getAlias(function (json) {
                           function (json) {

Remove alias

Remove the alias associated with this device. Empty string is need to be sent as an alias, because Engage system does not support NULL as an alias value. 
@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
MappPlugin.prototype.removeDeviceAlias = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {}

 function removeDeviceAlias() {
    MappPlugin.removeDeviceAlias("", function (json) {
        function (json) {

Device API 

Device Information

Get information associated with this device.
@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
MappPlugin.prototype.deviceInformation = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {}

 function deviceInformation() {
    MappPlugin.deviceInformation(function (json) {
                                    function (json) {

Get Rich Messages

Get rich messages for this device.
@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
MappPlugin.prototype.getRichMessages = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {}

 function getRichMessages() {
    MappPlugin.getRichMessages(function (json) {
                                  function (json) {

Delete Messages (iOS only)

Delete a Rich Message.
@param {string} msgID - A string representing the message ID. Message ID's can be retrieved in MappPlugin.refreshInbox()
@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
MappPlugin.prototype.deleteRichMessage = function (msgID, successCallback, errorCallback) {}

 function deleteRichMessage() {
                                    function (json) {
                                    function (json) {

Refresh Inbox (iOS only)

Sync inbox messages with Mapp servers.
@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
MappPlugin.prototype.refreshInbox = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {}

function refreshInbox() {
    MappPlugin.refreshInbox(function (json) {
                               function (json) {

Push API

Push Enabled

Check if the feature is enabled.
@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
MappPlugin.prototype.isPushEnabled = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {}

 function isPushEnabled() {
    MappPlugin.isPushEnabled(function (json) {
                                function (json) {

Disable Push

Method will disable / enable the feature.
@param {string} disable - a string with a value of "true" or "false".
@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
MappPlugin.prototype.disablePushNotifications = function (disable, successCallback, errorCallback) {}

 function disablePushNotifications() {
                                           function (json) {
                                           function (json) {

Custom Fields API

Set Date Field

Set a date value for a key.
@param {string} key - A key to be paired with the value.
@param {string} value - A value which conforms 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss'.
@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
MappPlugin.prototype.setDateField = function (key, value, successCallback, errorCallback) {}

 function setDateField() {
                               "2015-03-16 00:00:00",
                               function (json) {
                               function (json) {

Set Numeric Field

Set a number value for a key.
@param {string} key - A key to be paired with the value.
@param {string} value - A value which contains a number, i.e. "34", "34.54".
@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
MappPlugin.prototype.setNumericField = function (key, value, successCallback, errorCallback) {}

 function setNumericField() {
                                  function (json) {
                                  function (json) {

Set String Field

Set a string value for a key.
@param {string} key - A key to be paired with the value.
@param {string} value - A value which contains string.
@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
MappPlugin.prototype.setStringField = function (key, value, successCallback, errorCallback) {}

 function setStringField() {
                                 "some string value",
                                 function (json) {
                                 function (json) {

Get Custom Field

Get a key-value pair for a given key.
@param {string} key - A key paired with a value.
@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
MappPlugin.prototype.fetchCustomFieldByKey = function (key, successCallback, errorCallback) {}

 function fetchCustomFieldByKey() {
                                        function (json) {
                                        function (json) {


Get Last Push 

Get last push payload. This method will only return the payload once.

@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.

MappPlugin.prototype.getLastPushPayload = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {}

function getLastPushPayload() {

	MappPlugin.getLastPushPayload(function (json) {
									function (json) {

Badge Number (iOS only)

Method sets the application badge number on iOS only, and only if notifications are approved.
@param {string} badgeNumber - a string with a value of an Integer, to set as the application badge number.
@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.

MappPlugin.prototype.setApplicationBadgeNumber = function (badgeNumber, successCallback, errorCallback){}

function setApplicationBadgeToZero() {

	    MappPlugin.setApplicationBadgeNumber("0", // Pass the Badge number you want the application icon to present.
                                           function (json) {
                                           function (json) {

Show Notifications on Foreground (iOS10 Only)

Method will show / hide notification when app is in foreground. Default is false. Available for ios10 and above.
@param {string} show - a string with a value of "true" or "false".
@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.

MappPlugin.prototype.showNotificationsOnForeground = function (show, successCallback, errorCallback){}

function showNotificationOnForeground() {
	    MappPlugin.showNotificationsOnForeground("true", // Pass 'true' or 'false' to indicate if notifications should be displayed on foreground.
                                           function (json) {
                                           function (json) {

Rich Received (iOS Only)

Method is called when a rich message is received.
@param {string} jsonArg - A json string with the rich message payload.
MappPlugin.prototype.richMessageReceived = function richMessageReceived(jsonArg) {}

 MappPlugin.prototype.richMessageReceived = function richMessageReceived(jsonArg) {
      alert("Rich Message:\n" + jsonArg);
      /* Add your own implementation here. */ 

On Push Message Listener (Android Only)

There are 4 types of messages in messageHandlerType field onPushOpened, onPushDismissed, onSilentPush, onPushReceived 

* @callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
* @callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.

function setOnPushMessageListener() {

        function (json) {
        function (json) {

Fetch inapp inbox messages

The method fetches all inbox In-App messages.

@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.

MappInappPlugin.prototype.fetchInboxMessages = function (successCallback, errorCallback){}

function fetchInboxMessages() {

        function (json) {
        function (json) {

Show In-App message

The method triggers an In-App message.
@param {string} event  - specific DCM event trigger. 

MappPlugin.prototype.fireInAppEvent = function fireInAppEvent(event,successCallback,errorCallback) {}

function fireInAppEvent() {

        function (json) {
        function (json) {

onActionListener (Android Only)

The method is called when an In-App message is clicked or deep-link push is received.
@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.

MappPlugin.prototype.setApplicationBadgeNumber = function (badgeNumber, successCallback, errorCallback){}

    function (json) {
    function (json) {

Remove Badge Number (Android only)

Method to erase badge number.
@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.

MappPlugin.prototype.removeBadgeNumber = function (successCallback, errorCallback){}

function removeBadgeNumber() {
        function (json) {
        function (json) {

Location API  (will be implement soon for Android)

Start location monitoring

Location manager will be enabled and it will collect the location change events.
@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
MappPlugin.prototype.startGeo = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {}

 function startGeoLocation() {

        function (json) {
        function (json) {

Stop location monitoring

Location manager will be disabled.
@callback {string} successCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
@callback {string} errorCallback - A json string with a response for this operation with information.
MappPlugin.prototype.stopGeo = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {}

function stopGeoLocation() {

        function (json) {
        function (json) {