As of June 1, 2024. Google has deprecated support for sending push messages via FCM API Legacy.
More about it on the official google page.
Please use the setup described here to enable Firebase Cloud Messaging support.

As of April 10, 2018, Google has transitioned from GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) to FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging).

From Google: "The GCM server and client APIs are deprecated and will be removed as soon as April 11, 2019. Migrate GCM apps to Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), which inherits the reliable and scalable GCM infrastructure, plus many new features."

The Mapp Cloud Mobile SDKs are integrated with the supporting features for FCM. You are not required to integrate Google's FCM SDK in addition to the Mapp Cloud Mobile SDKs. By integrating the Mapp Cloud Mobile SDKs, you will have the supporting features for sending push notifications using FCM with Mapp Cloud. 

For additional information about the GCM to FCM transition, see Google's FAQ:

Please note: Google has documentation on upgrading to their FCM SDK. Mapp Engage clients DO NOT need to integrate this SDK in addition to the Mapp Mobile SDK. The Mapp Mobile SDK supports the changes from google in our SDK update.

New Mapp Cloud Mobile Integrations:

All new Mapp Cloud Mobile customers are required to integrate the Android FCM SDK. There will be no support for the Android GCM SDK after April 10, 2019. 

  1. Download the latest Android FCM SDK  and Android FCM Example App here:
  2. Follow the tutorial for the Android Application Setup for Mapp Cloud. Complete Steps A and B.
  3. Enable the Android FCM SDK following this tutorial: Add Android FCM SDK to Android Studio for Mapp Cloud (deprecate).
  4. Once you have enabled the Android FCM SDK, Initialize the SDK following this tutorial: Initialize Android Mapp SDK for Mapp Cloud.
  5. Once the SDK is initialized, you can proceed with integrating the features available in the Android SDK. 

Existing Mapp Cloud Mobile Integrations Upgrading to Android FCM SDK:

The steps to upgrade the Android SDK to use FCM depends on the version of the Android SDK currently integrated with your app. 

To support FCM, you are only required to upgrade the Android SDK. However, since there are new features available in the latest Android SDKs, it's advisable to upgrade the iOS SDKs to the latest version to utilize the features in both platforms. 

Customers Using Android SDK v4.0 or later

  1. Download the latest Android FCM SDK  and Android FCM Example App here:
  2. Follow the tutorial for the Android Application Setup for Mapp Cloud. Complete Step A only. Step B is already configured. 
  3. Enable the Android FCM SDK following this tutorial: Add Android FCM SDK to Android Studio for Mapp Cloud (deprecate). Add the new compileOptions and dependencies as shown in the diagrams. 
  4. Initialize the SDK following this tutorial: Initialize Android Mapp SDK for Mapp Cloud. Modify the Proguard-rules and default notification icon as show in the code examples. 
  5. Once the SDK is initialized, you can proceed with integrating the features available in the Android SDK. 

Customers Using Android SDK v2.0 to v2.8.4

The Android SDK versions 2.0 - 2.8.4 are NOT compatible with the newer SDK versions and therefore cannot be upgraded to the FCM SDK. The Android FCM SDK must be installed as a NEW SDK integration. Delete the old SDK version from the app and integrate with these steps:

  1. Download the latest Android FCM SDK  and Android FCM Example App here:
  2. Follow the tutorial for the Android Application Setup for Mapp Cloud. Complete Steps A and B.
  3. Enable the Android FCM SDK following this tutorial: Add Android FCM SDK to Android Studio for Mapp Cloud (deprecate).
  4. Once you have enabled the Android FCM SDK, Initialize the SDK following this tutorial: Initialize Android Mapp SDK for Mapp Cloud.
  5. Once the SDK is initialized, you can proceed with integrating the features available in the Android SDK. 

If you have any questions, see Android SDK FAQ's or contact Mapp Cloud Support (