Test coverage:
This test will confirm the following:
- Custom fields are updated
- Tags are assigned to devices.
Testing procedure:
- During this test we will create a segment for each custom field that was added to your application and for tags which your application assigns each device when it is registered,
- Prepare a list of all custom fields that you have configured in your application code, make sure these fields were added to your application settings within Appoxee UI as seen below:
Create a segment for each one of your custom fields and tags, you can use the steps mention in the "Create a Segment for a Test Device" procedure (it is also possible to edit the segment each time changing the setup definitions and saving it).
below please find an example how to setup a segment based on a custom string field.
- Send your device a Push notification, use the custom fields within the message content by Setting up "Custom Fields"
- Confirm the following:
- The format of your custom fields are exactly the same as in your app. For example, the parameter "F_name" will be configured in the same format in the app's settings (in the dashboard) and in the app's code.
- You have defined the custom fields according to the correct custom field type: numeric, date, string, boolean (for tags).
Expected result:
- Verify that Installs and Push Enabled are updated to 1.
- The content of the Push notification when presented on your device includes the custom filed data.