Versions Compared


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titleSDK Versions

As of April 10, 2019, Google has deprecated support for GCM. Please ensure you have the correct Android FCM SDK file for FCM compatibility. The Android GCM SDK will NOT work with FCM tokens.

Download the latest SDK files here:


  • Android SDK FCM v5.0.5 aar file
  • An Android FCM example app for v5+ contains a full code same. 


  1. Open Android Studio and create your application. Application must have a minimum version of Android SDK Version 19.

  2. Import the Android FCM SDK aar file, click on File->New->New Module.

  3. Select "Import .JAR/.AAR Package", click Next.

  4. Select the Android FCM SDK aar file from the location you have saved it, click Next.
  5. Add new Module Dependency 
    • Go to File->Project Structure->app dependencies

  6. Click on + button and choose Module dependency

  7. Choose your added module, click OK.

  8. The Gradle project sync will start. If it does not start, you can sync it using Sync button.

  9. Make sure your application build.gradle file include the applicationId attribute for android defaultConfig. Alternately, you can replace ${applicationId} with your application package (e.g Include the following dependencies to your app's dependencies section :
Code Block
titleapp build.gradle
android {  
    compileSdkVersion 28  //or above
    buildToolsVersion '28.0.3' //or above
  defaultConfig {
     applicationId ""      //make sure you have this    
     minSdkVersion 19
     targetSdkVersion 28  
 compileOptions {
    sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
dependencies {
    implementation '' //or above
    implementation '' //2.8.2 or above
    implementation('') { //or above
            exclude group: ''
    implementation '' //or above
    implementation "" //or above
    implementation project(':appoxee_sdk_5.0.4') //or above
apply plugin: ''

//please add the following dependencies to your project dependencies section :
dependencies {
    classpath '' // or above
    classpath '' // or above