- Step A - Creating a Google API Project
- Step B - Enabling the GCM Service
- Step C - Obtaining an API KeyStep D - Creating an Android App in Appoxee
Step A: Creating a Google API
- Open the Google APIs Console page.
- If you haven't created an API project yet, this page will prompt you to do so.
- If
- If you already have existing API projects, the first page you see will be
- the Dashboard page.
- From there you can create a new project, by opening the project drop-down menu (upper left corner) and choosing Other projects > Create.
- Click create Click create project.
- Open the Google APIs Console page, make sure your project is selected and take a note of the project idID.
This is your project number, and it will be used later on within in the Application Settings in page of the Appoxee dashboard.
Step B: Enabling the GCM Service
- In the main Google APIs Console page, select "select Services".
- Turn the Google Cloud Messaging for Android toggle to ON.
- On the "Terms of Service" page, accept the terms.
Step C: Obtaining an API Key
- On the main Google APIs Console page, select "select API Access".
- Click "Create new browser Browser key"...
- Take a note of Note the API key value as it . You will be used required to provide this value later on.